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This section mainly describes how the different parts of Paroxython (code, data, results) are integrated. For details on the functioning of an individual module, click its name: it refers to the documentation page. The input and output files are linked to real examples.


On a sufficiently large screen, scroll the navigation panel until the whole program structure appears (depending on your browser, you may need to click it and use arrow keys). The following short descriptions aim to make the explanations a bit more fluid by roughly following the requirement order (imported modules and input data), from top to bottom in the diagram. Python modules appear in yellowish (extension ".py" omitted), input files and folders in reddish, and output files and databases in green.

First stage: tagging a collection of programs

source files (click to browse a copy of Python Wiki's 21 simple programs on GitHub)
It all starts with the folder you dig into when you need a Python program for your students, to use it either as an example or an exercise.
These programs are not parsed exactly as they are. The may contain textual metadata (comments, docstrings, blank lines) which are not useful for the purpose of tagging their algorithmic features, and can be suppressed. Conversely, some of their lines may entirely consist of a hint manually added by the user to denote an all-encompassing feature (e.g., topic:cryptography). Such manual hints need to be “centrifugated”, i.e. moved to both ends of the source, making them open on the first line and close on the last line of code. This module deals with the cleaning and the centrifugation of a given program.
We are now able to walk through the source files and return the list of their preprocessed source codes.
The first stage of static analysis often consists in constructing the Abstract Syntax Tree of the code to parse. Here, we go a step further by transforming this AST into a sequence of text lines, each one consisting of the whole path from the tree root to the current node. Some additional transformations are made on the fly, in order to simplify, or even make possible, the writing of regular expressions that match the algorithmic features we are interested in. (click to browse the default specifications on GitHub)
This input file is quite special. It serves three distinct roles:
  1. As its name suggests, it specifies what features to look for, and how to find them in a given source code. The specifications are expressed either as regular expressions on the flattened version of the AST, or as SQL queries on the features found so far (either as a regular expression match or in the table resulting from a previous query).
  2. The Markdown format (extension ".md") is an unusual choice for a specification file. The reason for such a deviation is that this file also acts as documentation. Each formal specification is illustrated with numerous examples, and possibly with explanations, warnings, links to prerequisite or derived features, etc.
  3. Finally, this file is also used as a test base. When is executed, each specification is tested on the examples provided, and its outcome checked against the expected results.
As they are found in a given source code, the features described by are stored in an in-memory database, as labels with a prefix, possibly a suffix, and a span (consisting of their first and last line numbers, as well as a unique identifier to pinpoint their precise location within the AST). The storage of these labels is used dynamically to search for so-called derived features, which themselves are necessarily specified by SQL queries.

This module mainly consists of a function which flattens a given (preprocessed) program, parses it along the specifications defined in, and returns the list of its labels with their spans, plus/minus those scheduled for addition/deletion.

Warning. The binding of a regular expression-specified multi-line feature with its spans may reveal somewhat tricky. Make sure to understand the explanations of get_bindings() in case your home-made regular expression yields unexpected results.

The main function of this module not only maps paroxython.parse_program on the list returned by paroxython.list_programs, transforming it into a list of labelled programs, but tweaks all the labels which mark an importation of an “internal” module, i.e, a program belonging to this very list. For instance, a label "import:my_program" would be transformed into "import_internally:my_program", while "import:itertools" would be left untouched.
taxonomy.tsv (click to browse the default taxonomy on GitHub)

The labels produced so far are nothing more than an intermediate result. A number of them have only been useful for deriving other labels, and can now be ignored. Those that remain must be transformed into taxa. A taxon is the structured version of one or more labels. For instance, the label "if_without_else" will maps onto the taxon "flow/conditional/no_else", which conveniently tells us that a conditional without an else branch (no_else) is a subcase of a conditional (conditional), itself being a subcase of a control flow (flow).

The file taxonomy.tsv is a simple two-columns associative TSV array which maps label patterns onto taxa. Since some label patterns are rather long regular expressions, the columns are swapped: the second column lists the labels patterns to search; the first columns, the taxa to be substituted. For instance, the row:

Taxa (replacement patterns) Labels (search patterns)
flow/loop/exit/early/\11 loop_with_early_exit:.+:(.+)

… will trigger the following transformations into taxa:

loop_with_early_exit:for:break -> flow/loop/exit/early/break loop_with_early_exit:while:break -> flow/loop/exit/early/break loop_with_early_exit:for:return -> flow/loop/exit/early/return loop_with_early_exit:while:return -> flow/loop/exit/early/return loop_with_early_exit:for:raise -> flow/loop/exit/early/raise loop_with_early_exit:while:raise -> flow/loop/exit/early/raise


In addition to applying the transformations defined in taxonomy.tsv to a given list of labels, the main method of this module, Taxonomy.to_taxa(), deduplicates the resulting taxa.

Indeed, a same feature is often described by several labels, for instance, the for loop of the following program:

for x in range(10):
    if bar(x):

… will be associated with no less than six labels (remember that most of them were only useful during the execution of paroxython.derived_labels_db):

  1. "for_range:10"
  2. "loop_with_early_exit:for:break"
  3. "loop:for"
  4. "for:x"
  5. "loop_with_break:for"
  6. "node:For"

The last three of these are ignored, since they do not define any mapping in taxonomy.tsv. The remaining three are mapped respectively onto:

  1. "flow/loop/for/arithmetic"
  2. "flow/loop/exit/early/break"
  3. "flow/loop"

The latter is a prefix of (at least) another one: as an overly broad categorization of the feature, it can be discarded. Only the former two will go into the deduplicated result: they indeed categorize the feature along two partially distinct dimensions (the iteration domain and the nature of the exit).

This is the main user-facing module of the first stage, invoked on command line by:
paroxython collect DIRECTORY

It walks through the input directory, labels its programs and maps these labels onto the default taxonomy (or yours). Along this process, the labels "import_internally", calculated by paroxython.label_programs, are used to list, for each program, those of the input directory that it imports or by which it is imported (either directly or indirectly).

Finally, the results are stored as a NoSQL (JSON) or relational (SQLite) database.

*_db.json (click to browse the tag database of 21 simple programs).

Generated by TagDatabase.get_json() as a dictionary (or, in JSON parlance, object) with the following keys:

  • "programs": maps each program path to the timestamp of its last modification, its cleaned up source code, the list of its labels with their poor2 spans, and that of its taxa with their poor spans;
  • "labels": maps each label to the programs that feature it;
  • "taxa": maps each taxon to the programs that feature it;
  • "importations": maps each program to the programs that import it;
  • "exportations": maps each program to the programs by which it is imported.

Note that the labels are not used thereafter: they are stored only for logging purposes.

An experimental relational version of the above JSON tag database. Also generated by paroxython.make_db, but currently unused. See TagDatabase.write_sqlite() for its schema and an example query. Not under version control.

Second stage: getting recommendations

* (click to browse an example pipeline to be executed on the database of 21 simple programs)
To get program recommendations, you first create a pipeline, i.e., a Python file consisting in a list of filtering commands to be applied on a JSON tag database generated by paroxython.make_db. Each command is a dictionary with two keys:
  • "operation": a string among "include", "exclude", "impart" and "hide", with an optional suffix " any" (implicit) or " all".
  • "data": either a string consisting in a shell command, or an heterogeneous list of criteria: patterns (matching either program paths or taxon names) or semantic triples (of the form subject, predicate, object).

The interpretation of a predicate is not immediate, and is the object of the next two modules.

A dictionary of predicates listing all possible relations between two intervals (x_1, x_2) and (y_1, y_2). The keys of these predicates are expected to be used as the second term of a semantic triple expressing a relationship between the spans of two features. Generated by
A thin layer between paroxython.compare_spans and paroxython.filter_programs, this function tries to recognize as a key a predicate given by the user. In the case the predicate is negative (e.g., "not inside"), strip it from the predicate ("inside"). Returns the corresponding lambda function along with a boolean indicating whether it was negated or not.

Probably the most complex part of Paroxython. A filter instance is initialized with a JSON tag database of tagged programs. It is characterized by the state of the following attributes:

  • "selected_programs": the programs to be recommended, initially all of them.
  • "imparted_knowledge": the concepts (i.e., taxa) that have already been presented to your students, and therefore have a learning cost of zero. Initially empty.
  • "hidden_taxa" / "hidden_programs": the programs and/or taxa you are not interested in seeing in the resulting tables. It's just a display thing, with no effect on the actual filtering. Initially empty.

The filter responds to the pipeline commands sent to ProgramFilter.update_filter() by evolving the contents of these three sets.

The costs in question are the learning costs. The final state of the imparted knowledge calculated by paroxython.filter_programs is used to initialize the constructor after all the pipeline commands have been executed. The main method LearningCostAssessor.__call__() is then invoked with the remaining recommended programs.
The user-facing module of the second stage, called on command line by:
paroxython recommend -p pipeline_path DB_PATH

A simple wrapper around ProgramFilter, with report capabilities. For each command of the pipeline, it checks the validity of its operation and data, and sends them to ProgramFilter.update_filter(). When the pipeline is exhausted, it invokes LearningCostAssessor.__call__() to compute the relevant learning costs.

At the end, a call to Recommendations.get_markdown() creates a report of the results.

* (click to browse the report of the execution of the above pipeline)
The final report sorts the recommended programs by increasing learning cost and SLOC, and group them into predefined cost intervals3. It includes a table of contents, and a summary of which program has been filtered at what stage of the pipeline execution.

Helper programs

During the development process of Paroxython, it proved useful to create a number of additional scripts to make the final program easier to write, test or understand. None of these scripts are meant to be run by the end user: as such they are are not included by pip install. But if you have to modify the source code to better meet your personal expectations, or are interested in collaborating on the project, some of them are definitely a must4.

Code generators
Generates the source code of the module paroxython.compare_spans. Must be launched manually.
Reads the contents of, normalizes its formatting (Markdown and SQL) and writes it back. The goal is to ensure the consistency of the document and the validity of its numerous internal links, as well as to avoid authors wasting time with formatting details. Launched automatically by
The regular expression patterns of use a rather limited and repetitive array of techniques. This program aims to partially automate their production. Given the flat_ast.txt outputted by (cf. testing helper below), extract the lines that characterize the feature to be recognized, and save them in the sandbox folder under the name flat_ast_selection.txt. The script will then print a regular expression that matches this selection.

Extracts from all the features specified by a regular expression, use flatten_ast() to parse their examples into a flat AST, and outputs the results as sandbox/flat_ast.txt.
Generates taxa_and_programs.txt and, from this file, programs_db.json, used as a dummy example in various tests.
Populates the example directory idioms/programs, with the broad variety of code snippets snapshotted from the amazing Programming Idioms website of Valentin Deleplace. More info here.
A wrapper around paroxython.parse_program that allows you to quickly test the labelling of a given source code. This one must be placed under the name in a sandbox directory (unversioned). The flattened version of its AST is generated as flat_ast.txt in the same folder, while its label table is displayed in Markdown format. All of this may streamline the work on

Documentation builders and examples
Builds this documentation with the excellent pdoc3 command line tool, and applies a number of patches to tailor the result to our needs.
Generates the diagrams on the present page and paroxython.filter_programs. Launched automatically by
An example of query on the experimental SQLite database generated by paroxython.make_db.
This script is invoked in the first example of the pipeline documentation. This is the one that the main author of Paroxython relies on to automate the extraction of the “imparted” programs from a textual timeline he updates after each lesson. The script starts by dropping all the text following the "# EOF tag. In the remaining part, it matches all the Python program paths which are preceded by a "+" symbol and possibly a bracketed string (for instance "+ [mandatory]"). Of course, if you use other conventions, you will have to come up with your own custom script. It can be written in any language (e.g., Perl, bash, etc.), as long as it prints a list of program paths on stdout.
Computes a taxonomy of The Algorithms - Python (not versioned here) and generates tree.js, a JavaScript list ready to send to the Google Chart API used to draw this word-tree. Launch afterwards.

Tag databases

Depending on the extension of DB_NAME (either ".json" or ".sqlite"), the command:

paroxython collect -o DB_NAME DIRECTORY

… will create two kinds of databases, each with their own purpose.

The JSON tag database

It is this type of so-called NoSQL database that Paroxython draws upon to recommend programs. Its schema is:

    "programs": {
        "" : {
            "timestamp": "1970-01-01",
            "source": "print('hello')\nprint('world')\n",
            "labels": {
                "label_1": [[span_start_1, span_end_1], ...],
            "taxa: {
                "taxon_1": [[span_start_1, span_end_1], ...],
    "labels": {
        "label_1": ["", "", ...],
    "taxa": {
        "taxon_1": ["", "", ...],
    "importations": {
        "": ["", "", ...],
    "exportations": {
        "": [],
        "": ["", ...],

As an example, take a look on the JSON tag database of the Python Wiki's 21 simple programs.

The SQLite tag database

This kind of database is fundamentally agnostic, but lends itself quite well to statistics. Its schema is:

CREATE TABLE program (
    program TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
    timestamp TEXT,
    source TEXT
    -- use rowid as primary key
    label TEXT,
    label_prefix TEXT,
    label_suffix TEXT,
    span TEXT,
    span_start INTEGER,
    span_end INTEGER,
    program TEXT,
    FOREIGN KEY (program) REFERENCES program (program)
    -- use rowid as primary key
    taxon TEXT,
    span TEXT,
    span_start INTEGER,
    span_end INTEGER,
    program TEXT,
    FOREIGN KEY (program) REFERENCES program (program)

Having a relational version of the tag database means that it can be queried with SQL. Here is an example which returns the 20 most frequent taxa:

SELECT taxon, count(*) AS occurrences
FROM taxon
GROUP BY taxon
ORDER BY occurrences DESC

More complex, a query comparing the number of occurrences of the loops for and while:

SELECT (CASE SUBSTR(taxon, 11, 3) -- extract either "for" or "whi"
            WHEN "for" THEN "for" -- and replace it either by... itself
            ELSE "while" -- or by the complete name of the loop
        END) AS loop,
       COUNT(*) AS occurrences
FROM taxon
WHERE taxon LIKE "flow/loop/for%"
   OR taxon LIKE "flow/loop/while%"
GROUP BY SUBSTR(taxon, 0, 14) -- cut the taxon three characters after "flow/loop/"

In theory, the relational database can also be used to select programs according to certain criteria:

    group_concat(span, ", ") AS spans,
FROM program
JOIN taxon USING (program)
WHERE taxon GLOB "type/non_sequence/dictionary/*"
GROUP BY taxon, program

On the provided simple programs, the execution yields:

Note however that the same list of programs (with the nice addition of learning costs) could have been obtained by feeding the function Recommendations.run_pipeline() with an elementary command:

        "operation": "include",
        "data": ["type/non_sequence/dictionary/"]

So, although SQL should be familiar to almost everyone in our target audience, and might “make complex things possible”, as far as filtering is concerned, our minimalistic schema arguably does not ”make simple things simple” (to paraphrase Alan Kay). Some denormalization should ease the process, but so far we have prioritized the development of the pipeline system.


Currently, the relational database is better suited for making statistics than recommendations.

Implementation notes

User types

Paroxython makes heavy use of Python 3.5+ type hints. They are documented directly in

Default argument trick

Several functions or methods declare a compiled and bound regex pattern as an optional argument (see normalize_predicate() for an example). Such arguments are not meant to be provided by the caller. Their default value will be used systematically, with the benefit of being evaluated only once. This is arguably better for both performance and encapsulation. More details on Stack Overflow.

  1. In the replacement pattern, "\1" denotes the 1st captured group (in parentheses) of the search pattern. 

  2. The poor span of a feature's occurrence is its span, deprived from the last member (location in the AST). 

  3. The intervals are predefined as [0, 0], ]0, 0.25[, [2^{i-2}, 2^{i-1}[, \dots for all natural numbers i

  4. However, in the current state of things, please don't expect the Spanish inquisition same level of code quality, documentation and testing than in the user-facing parts of the package.