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Module paroxython.filter_programs

Evolve a set of selected programs and a set of taxa representing the imparted knowledge.

The class stores the state of these two sets and provides a collection of operators to be applied on them during the execution of the pipeline (see paroxython.recommend_programs). Two additional sets, less important, are maintained: the programs and the taxa to be hidden during the display of the final result.


Initially, all programs in the tag database are selected. The three others sets are empty. As the filter evolves, the first set can only shrink, and the other ones only increase.

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from collections import Counter as counter
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import permutations, product
from typing import Counter, Dict, Iterator, List, Tuple

import regex  # type: ignore

from .goodies import print_warning
from .normalize_predicate import normalize_predicate
from .user_types import (

__pdoc__ = {
    "ProgramFilter.__init__": True,
    "ProgramFilter": "",

class ProgramFilter:

    # Initialization of the filter

    def __init__(self, db: JsonTagDatabase) -> None:

    def define_shortcuts(self, db: JsonTagDatabase) -> None:
        self.db_programs: ProgramInfos = db["programs"]
        self.db_taxa: TaxonInfos = db["taxa"]
        self.db_importations: ProgramToPrograms = db["importations"]
        self.db_exportations: ProgramToPrograms = db["exportations"]

    def init_filter_state(self) -> None:
        self.selected_programs: ProgramPathSet = set(self.db_programs)
        self.imparted_knowledge: TaxonNameSet = set()
        self.hidden_taxa: TaxonNameSet = set()
        self.hidden_programs: ProgramPathSet = set()

    def add_imported_taxa(self) -> None:
        for (exporter, importers) in self.db_exportations.items():
            exported_taxa = list(self.db_programs[exporter]["taxa"])
            for exported_taxon in exported_taxa:
                if exported_taxon.startswith("meta/"):
                for importer in importers:
                    importer_taxa = self.db_programs[importer]["taxa"]
                    if exported_taxon not in importer_taxa:
                        importer_taxa[exported_taxon] = []

    # Get the set of taxon names or program paths matching the given pattern.

    def taxa_of_pattern(self, pattern: str) -> TaxonNameSet:
        match = regex.compile(fr"{pattern}\b").match
        result: TaxonNameSet = set(filter(match, self.db_taxa))
        if not result:
            print_warning(f"the pattern '{pattern}' doesn't match any existing taxon.")
        return result

    def programs_of_pattern(self, pattern: str) -> ProgramPathSet:
        match = regex.compile(fr"{pattern}").match
        result: ProgramPathSet = set(filter(match, self.db_programs))
        if not result:
            print_warning(f"the pattern '{pattern}' doesn't match any existing program.")
        return result

    # Select programs from the taxa they feature, and vice versa.

    def taxa_of_programs(self, programs: ProgramPathSet, follow: bool = False) -> TaxonNameSet:
        taxa: TaxonNameSet = set()
        for program in programs:
            if program in self.db_programs:
                for (taxon, spans) in self.db_programs[program]["taxa"].items():
                    if spans or follow:
                        # Either the taxon is featured directly or the imports must be followed.
        return taxa

    def programs_of_taxa(self, taxa: TaxonNameSet, follow: bool = False) -> ProgramPathSet:
        programs: ProgramPathSet = set()
        for taxon in taxa:
            programs.update(self.db_taxa.get(taxon, []))
        if follow:
            for program in list(programs):
        return programs

    # Update the state of the filter by applying set operations with the given programs or taxa.

    def update_filter(
        criteria: List[Criterion],
        operation: Operation,
        quantifier: str,
    ) -> None:
        if operation in ("impart", "hide"):
            patterns = [str(criterion) for criterion in criteria]
            if operation == "impart":
                (program_set, taxon_set) = self.programs_and_taxa_of_patterns(patterns)
                self.exclude_programs(program_set, follow=False)
                (program_set, taxon_set) = self.programs_or_taxa_of_patterns(patterns)
            program_bag = self.programs_of_criteria(criteria, follow=(operation == "exclude"))
            if quantifier == "all":
                program_bag -= counter({program: len(criteria) - 1 for program in program_bag})
            if operation == "include":
            else:  # necessarily "exclude"
                self.exclude_programs(set(program_bag), follow=True)

    def programs_and_taxa_of_patterns(
        self, patterns: List[str]
    ) -> Tuple[ProgramPathSet, TaxonNameSet]:
        resulting_taxa: TaxonNameSet = set()
        resulting_programs: ProgramPathSet = set()
        for pattern in patterns:
            if pattern.endswith(".py"):
                programs = self.programs_of_pattern(pattern)
                taxa = self.taxa_of_programs(programs, follow=False)
                taxa = self.taxa_of_pattern(pattern)
        return (resulting_programs, resulting_taxa)

    def programs_or_taxa_of_patterns(
        self, patterns: List[str]
    ) -> Tuple[ProgramPathSet, TaxonNameSet]:
        resulting_taxa: TaxonNameSet = set()
        resulting_programs: ProgramPathSet = set()
        for pattern in patterns:
            if pattern.endswith(".py"):
        return (resulting_programs, resulting_taxa)

    def programs_of_criteria(self, criteria: List[Criterion], follow: bool) -> Counter[ProgramPath]:
        resulting_programs: Counter[ProgramPath] = counter()
        for criterion in criteria:
            if isinstance(criterion, str):  # the criterion is a pattern
                if criterion.endswith(".py"):  # the pattern is a program pattern
                    programs = self.programs_of_pattern(criterion)
                else:  # the pattern is a label pattern
                    taxa = self.taxa_of_pattern(criterion)
                    programs = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa, follow=follow)
            elif isinstance(criterion, (list, tuple)) and len(criterion) == 3:
                (pattern_1, raw_predicate, pattern_2) = criterion
                (predicate, negated) = normalize_predicate(raw_predicate)
                function = self.programs_of_negated_triple if negated else self.programs_of_triple
                resulting_programs.update(function(pattern_1, predicate, pattern_2))
                print_warning(f"criterion {repr(criterion)} cannot be included or excluded.")
        return resulting_programs

    def impart_taxa(self, taxa: TaxonNameSet) -> None:
        for taxon in taxa:
            edges = taxon.split("/")
            for i in range(len(edges)):
                prefix = "/".join(edges[: i + 1])

    def include_programs(self, programs: ProgramPathSet) -> None:

    def exclude_programs(self, programs: ProgramPathSet, follow: bool) -> None:
        if follow:
            for program in programs:
                self.selected_programs.difference_update(self.db_exportations.get(program, {}))

    # Deal with semantic triples of the form (taxon_pattern_1, taxon_pattern_2, predicate)

    def programs_of_triple(
        taxon_pattern_1: str,
        predicate: Predicate,
        taxon_pattern_2: str,
    ) -> ProgramPathSet:
        taxa_1 = self.taxa_of_pattern(taxon_pattern_1)
        taxa_2 = self.taxa_of_pattern(taxon_pattern_2)
        programs_1 = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa_1)
        programs_2 = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa_2)
        result: ProgramPathSet = set()
        for program in programs_1 & programs_2:  # for each program featuring both taxon sets
            spans = self.db_programs[program]["taxa"]
            for (span_1, span_2) in self.iterate_on_spans(spans, taxa_1, taxa_2):
                if predicate(span_1, span_2):
        return result

    def programs_of_negated_triple(
        taxon_pattern_1: str,
        predicate: Predicate,
        taxon_pattern_2: str,
    ) -> ProgramPathSet:
        taxa_1 = self.taxa_of_pattern(taxon_pattern_1)
        taxa_2 = self.taxa_of_pattern(taxon_pattern_2)
        programs_1 = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa_1)
        programs_2 = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa_2)
        result: ProgramPathSet = programs_1  # by default, keep all programs featuring taxon_1
        for program in programs_1 & programs_2:  # for each program featuring both taxon sets
            spans = self.db_programs[program]["taxa"]
            exists_span_2_satisfying_predicate: Dict[Tuple, bool] = defaultdict(bool)
            for (span_1, span_2) in self.iterate_on_spans(spans, taxa_1, taxa_2):
                exists_span_2_satisfying_predicate[tuple(span_1)] |= predicate(span_1, span_2)
            if all(exists_span_2_satisfying_predicate.values()):
                # for any span_1, there is at least one span_2 such that predicate(span_1, span_2)
        return result

    def iterate_on_spans(
        self,  # declared as an instance method to prevent pdoc3 from misplacing its documentation.
        spans: TaxaPoorSpans,
        taxa_1: TaxonNameSet,
        taxa_2: TaxonNameSet,
    ) -> Iterator:
        for (taxon_1, taxon_2) in product(taxa_1, taxa_2):
            if taxon_1 in spans and taxon_2 in spans:
                if taxon_1 == taxon_2:  # exclude diagonal from iteration
                    yield from permutations(spans[taxon_1], 2)
                    yield from product(spans[taxon_1], spans[taxon_2])

# <graphviz>
# "__init__" -> "define_shortcuts"
# "__init__" -> "init_filter_state"
# "__init__" -> "add_imported_taxa"
# "init_filter_state" -> "taxa_of_programs"  [style=invis]
# "update_filter" -> "programs_and_taxa_of_patterns"
# "update_filter" -> "programs_or_taxa_of_patterns"
# "programs_and_taxa_of_patterns" -> "programs_of_pattern"
# "programs_and_taxa_of_patterns" -> "taxa_of_programs"
# "programs_and_taxa_of_patterns" -> "taxa_of_pattern"
# "programs_or_taxa_of_patterns" -> "programs_of_pattern"
# "programs_or_taxa_of_patterns" -> "taxa_of_pattern"
# "update_filter" -> "programs_of_criteria"
# "programs_of_criteria" -> "programs_of_pattern"
# "programs_of_criteria" -> "programs_of_taxa"
# "programs_of_criteria" -> "taxa_of_pattern"
# "programs_of_criteria" -> "programs_of_triple"
# "programs_of_triple" -> "taxa_of_pattern"
# "programs_of_triple" -> "programs_of_taxa"
# "programs_of_triple" -> "iterate_on_spans"
# "programs_of_criteria" -> "programs_of_negated_triple"
# "programs_of_negated_triple" -> "taxa_of_pattern"
# "programs_of_negated_triple" -> "programs_of_taxa"
# "programs_of_negated_triple" -> "iterate_on_spans"
# "update_filter" -> "impart_taxa"
# "update_filter" -> "include_programs"
# "update_filter" -> "exclude_programs"
# </graphviz>


class ProgramFilter
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class ProgramFilter:

    # Initialization of the filter

    def __init__(self, db: JsonTagDatabase) -> None:

    def define_shortcuts(self, db: JsonTagDatabase) -> None:
        self.db_programs: ProgramInfos = db["programs"]
        self.db_taxa: TaxonInfos = db["taxa"]
        self.db_importations: ProgramToPrograms = db["importations"]
        self.db_exportations: ProgramToPrograms = db["exportations"]

    def init_filter_state(self) -> None:
        self.selected_programs: ProgramPathSet = set(self.db_programs)
        self.imparted_knowledge: TaxonNameSet = set()
        self.hidden_taxa: TaxonNameSet = set()
        self.hidden_programs: ProgramPathSet = set()

    def add_imported_taxa(self) -> None:
        for (exporter, importers) in self.db_exportations.items():
            exported_taxa = list(self.db_programs[exporter]["taxa"])
            for exported_taxon in exported_taxa:
                if exported_taxon.startswith("meta/"):
                for importer in importers:
                    importer_taxa = self.db_programs[importer]["taxa"]
                    if exported_taxon not in importer_taxa:
                        importer_taxa[exported_taxon] = []

    # Get the set of taxon names or program paths matching the given pattern.

    def taxa_of_pattern(self, pattern: str) -> TaxonNameSet:
        match = regex.compile(fr"{pattern}\b").match
        result: TaxonNameSet = set(filter(match, self.db_taxa))
        if not result:
            print_warning(f"the pattern '{pattern}' doesn't match any existing taxon.")
        return result

    def programs_of_pattern(self, pattern: str) -> ProgramPathSet:
        match = regex.compile(fr"{pattern}").match
        result: ProgramPathSet = set(filter(match, self.db_programs))
        if not result:
            print_warning(f"the pattern '{pattern}' doesn't match any existing program.")
        return result

    # Select programs from the taxa they feature, and vice versa.

    def taxa_of_programs(self, programs: ProgramPathSet, follow: bool = False) -> TaxonNameSet:
        taxa: TaxonNameSet = set()
        for program in programs:
            if program in self.db_programs:
                for (taxon, spans) in self.db_programs[program]["taxa"].items():
                    if spans or follow:
                        # Either the taxon is featured directly or the imports must be followed.
        return taxa

    def programs_of_taxa(self, taxa: TaxonNameSet, follow: bool = False) -> ProgramPathSet:
        programs: ProgramPathSet = set()
        for taxon in taxa:
            programs.update(self.db_taxa.get(taxon, []))
        if follow:
            for program in list(programs):
        return programs

    # Update the state of the filter by applying set operations with the given programs or taxa.

    def update_filter(
        criteria: List[Criterion],
        operation: Operation,
        quantifier: str,
    ) -> None:
        if operation in ("impart", "hide"):
            patterns = [str(criterion) for criterion in criteria]
            if operation == "impart":
                (program_set, taxon_set) = self.programs_and_taxa_of_patterns(patterns)
                self.exclude_programs(program_set, follow=False)
                (program_set, taxon_set) = self.programs_or_taxa_of_patterns(patterns)
            program_bag = self.programs_of_criteria(criteria, follow=(operation == "exclude"))
            if quantifier == "all":
                program_bag -= counter({program: len(criteria) - 1 for program in program_bag})
            if operation == "include":
            else:  # necessarily "exclude"
                self.exclude_programs(set(program_bag), follow=True)

    def programs_and_taxa_of_patterns(
        self, patterns: List[str]
    ) -> Tuple[ProgramPathSet, TaxonNameSet]:
        resulting_taxa: TaxonNameSet = set()
        resulting_programs: ProgramPathSet = set()
        for pattern in patterns:
            if pattern.endswith(".py"):
                programs = self.programs_of_pattern(pattern)
                taxa = self.taxa_of_programs(programs, follow=False)
                taxa = self.taxa_of_pattern(pattern)
        return (resulting_programs, resulting_taxa)

    def programs_or_taxa_of_patterns(
        self, patterns: List[str]
    ) -> Tuple[ProgramPathSet, TaxonNameSet]:
        resulting_taxa: TaxonNameSet = set()
        resulting_programs: ProgramPathSet = set()
        for pattern in patterns:
            if pattern.endswith(".py"):
        return (resulting_programs, resulting_taxa)

    def programs_of_criteria(self, criteria: List[Criterion], follow: bool) -> Counter[ProgramPath]:
        resulting_programs: Counter[ProgramPath] = counter()
        for criterion in criteria:
            if isinstance(criterion, str):  # the criterion is a pattern
                if criterion.endswith(".py"):  # the pattern is a program pattern
                    programs = self.programs_of_pattern(criterion)
                else:  # the pattern is a label pattern
                    taxa = self.taxa_of_pattern(criterion)
                    programs = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa, follow=follow)
            elif isinstance(criterion, (list, tuple)) and len(criterion) == 3:
                (pattern_1, raw_predicate, pattern_2) = criterion
                (predicate, negated) = normalize_predicate(raw_predicate)
                function = self.programs_of_negated_triple if negated else self.programs_of_triple
                resulting_programs.update(function(pattern_1, predicate, pattern_2))
                print_warning(f"criterion {repr(criterion)} cannot be included or excluded.")
        return resulting_programs

    def impart_taxa(self, taxa: TaxonNameSet) -> None:
        for taxon in taxa:
            edges = taxon.split("/")
            for i in range(len(edges)):
                prefix = "/".join(edges[: i + 1])

    def include_programs(self, programs: ProgramPathSet) -> None:

    def exclude_programs(self, programs: ProgramPathSet, follow: bool) -> None:
        if follow:
            for program in programs:
                self.selected_programs.difference_update(self.db_exportations.get(program, {}))

    # Deal with semantic triples of the form (taxon_pattern_1, taxon_pattern_2, predicate)

    def programs_of_triple(
        taxon_pattern_1: str,
        predicate: Predicate,
        taxon_pattern_2: str,
    ) -> ProgramPathSet:
        taxa_1 = self.taxa_of_pattern(taxon_pattern_1)
        taxa_2 = self.taxa_of_pattern(taxon_pattern_2)
        programs_1 = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa_1)
        programs_2 = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa_2)
        result: ProgramPathSet = set()
        for program in programs_1 & programs_2:  # for each program featuring both taxon sets
            spans = self.db_programs[program]["taxa"]
            for (span_1, span_2) in self.iterate_on_spans(spans, taxa_1, taxa_2):
                if predicate(span_1, span_2):
        return result

    def programs_of_negated_triple(
        taxon_pattern_1: str,
        predicate: Predicate,
        taxon_pattern_2: str,
    ) -> ProgramPathSet:
        taxa_1 = self.taxa_of_pattern(taxon_pattern_1)
        taxa_2 = self.taxa_of_pattern(taxon_pattern_2)
        programs_1 = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa_1)
        programs_2 = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa_2)
        result: ProgramPathSet = programs_1  # by default, keep all programs featuring taxon_1
        for program in programs_1 & programs_2:  # for each program featuring both taxon sets
            spans = self.db_programs[program]["taxa"]
            exists_span_2_satisfying_predicate: Dict[Tuple, bool] = defaultdict(bool)
            for (span_1, span_2) in self.iterate_on_spans(spans, taxa_1, taxa_2):
                exists_span_2_satisfying_predicate[tuple(span_1)] |= predicate(span_1, span_2)
            if all(exists_span_2_satisfying_predicate.values()):
                # for any span_1, there is at least one span_2 such that predicate(span_1, span_2)
        return result

    def iterate_on_spans(
        self,  # declared as an instance method to prevent pdoc3 from misplacing its documentation.
        spans: TaxaPoorSpans,
        taxa_1: TaxonNameSet,
        taxa_2: TaxonNameSet,
    ) -> Iterator:
        for (taxon_1, taxon_2) in product(taxa_1, taxa_2):
            if taxon_1 in spans and taxon_2 in spans:
                if taxon_1 == taxon_2:  # exclude diagonal from iteration
                    yield from permutations(spans[taxon_1], 2)
                    yield from product(spans[taxon_1], spans[taxon_2])


def __init__(self,
db: JsonTagDatabase
) ‑> NoneType

Call define_shortcuts(), init_filter_state() and add_imported_taxa() (below).

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def __init__(self, db: JsonTagDatabase) -> None:
def define_shortcuts(self,
db: JsonTagDatabase
) ‑> NoneType

Define some attributes that point directly to the main parts of the tag database.

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def define_shortcuts(self, db: JsonTagDatabase) -> None:
    self.db_programs: ProgramInfos = db["programs"]
    self.db_taxa: TaxonInfos = db["taxa"]
    self.db_importations: ProgramToPrograms = db["importations"]
    self.db_exportations: ProgramToPrograms = db["exportations"]
def init_filter_state(self) ‑> NoneType

Select all programs and define the imparted knowledge as empty.

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def init_filter_state(self) -> None:
    self.selected_programs: ProgramPathSet = set(self.db_programs)
    self.imparted_knowledge: TaxonNameSet = set()
    self.hidden_taxa: TaxonNameSet = set()
    self.hidden_programs: ProgramPathSet = set()
def add_imported_taxa(self) ‑> NoneType

Copy under each program the taxa it featured by importation.


Initially, the JSON tag database stores under each program all the taxa it features directly, for instance:

    "programs": {
        "": {
            "taxa": {
                "call/subroutine/builtin/print": [[4,4],[6,6],[8,8],[10,10]],
                "call/subroutine/builtin/range": [[2,2]],
                "flow/conditional": [[3,10],[5,10],[7,10]],

For performance and readability reasons, it is useful to complete such a dictionary with the taxa which are featured indirectly, namely those featured by the imported programs. For instance, assuming that imports, we must copy the taxa featured by the latter, but not by the former program, namely:

                "operator/arithmetic/multiplication": [],
                "def/argument/arg": [],
                "def/subroutine/procedure": [],


  • The spans of the imported taxa are not copied, but replaced by an empty list (it is enough to know that a certain taxon is only featured by an imported program, not on which lines of which program).
  • All imported taxa starting with "meta/" are by convention excluded from the copy.
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def add_imported_taxa(self) -> None:
    for (exporter, importers) in self.db_exportations.items():
        exported_taxa = list(self.db_programs[exporter]["taxa"])
        for exported_taxon in exported_taxa:
            if exported_taxon.startswith("meta/"):
            for importer in importers:
                importer_taxa = self.db_programs[importer]["taxa"]
                if exported_taxon not in importer_taxa:
                    importer_taxa[exported_taxon] = []
def taxa_of_pattern(self,
pattern: str
) ‑> Set[TaxonName]

Find all the existing taxa matching the given regular expression pattern.


All taxa are searched, not just the ones featured by a selected program.

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def taxa_of_pattern(self, pattern: str) -> TaxonNameSet:
    match = regex.compile(fr"{pattern}\b").match
    result: TaxonNameSet = set(filter(match, self.db_taxa))
    if not result:
        print_warning(f"the pattern '{pattern}' doesn't match any existing taxon.")
    return result
def programs_of_pattern(self,
pattern: str
) ‑> Set[ProgramPath]

Find all the existing programs matching the given regular expression pattern.


All programs are searched, not just the selected ones.

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def programs_of_pattern(self, pattern: str) -> ProgramPathSet:
    match = regex.compile(fr"{pattern}").match
    result: ProgramPathSet = set(filter(match, self.db_programs))
    if not result:
        print_warning(f"the pattern '{pattern}' doesn't match any existing program.")
    return result
def taxa_of_programs(self,
programs: Set[ProgramPath],
follow: bool = False
) ‑> Set[TaxonName]

Return the taxa featured (or optionally imported) by any given program.


programs : ProgramPathSet
Program paths. The non-existing ones are silently ignored.
follow : bool, optional
If true, include the taxa featured by the imported programs. Defaults to False.


Let p1, p2, p3 be three programs, with p3 importing p2, and p2 importing p1. Let t be a taxon featured by p1 only. Then:

>>> t in taxa_of_programs({p1})
>>> t in taxa_of_programs({p2})
>>> t in taxa_of_programs({p3}, follow=True)
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def taxa_of_programs(self, programs: ProgramPathSet, follow: bool = False) -> TaxonNameSet:
    taxa: TaxonNameSet = set()
    for program in programs:
        if program in self.db_programs:
            for (taxon, spans) in self.db_programs[program]["taxa"].items():
                if spans or follow:
                    # Either the taxon is featured directly or the imports must be followed.
    return taxa
def programs_of_taxa(self,
taxa: Set[TaxonName],
follow: bool = False
) ‑> Set[ProgramPath]

Return the programs featuring (or optionally importing) any given taxon.


taxa : TaxonNameSet
Taxon names. The non-existing ones are silently ignored.
follow : bool, optional
If true, include the programs importing at least one program featuring at least one taxon. Defaults to False.


With p1, p2, p3 and t as in the example of ProgramFilter.taxa_of_programs():

>>> programs_of_taxa({t})
>>> programs_of_taxa({t}, follow=True)
{p1, p2, p3}
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def programs_of_taxa(self, taxa: TaxonNameSet, follow: bool = False) -> ProgramPathSet:
    programs: ProgramPathSet = set()
    for taxon in taxa:
        programs.update(self.db_taxa.get(taxon, []))
    if follow:
        for program in list(programs):
    return programs
def update_filter(self,
criteria: List[Union[str, Tuple[str, str, str]]],
operation: Operation,
quantifier: str
) ‑> NoneType

Update the selected programs and/or impart the associated taxa and/or mark them as hidden.


  • If the operation is "impart":
    • calculate the appropriate sets of programs and taxa;
    • remove these programs from self.selected_programs;
    • add these taxa to self.imparted_knowledge.
  • If the operation is "hide":
    • calculate the appropriate sets of programs and taxa;
    • add these taxa to self.hidden_taxa.
  • Otherwise (the operation is either "include" or "exclude"):
    • calculate the appropriate bag of programs: this bag counts, for each program, the number of criteria they meet (maximum: size of criteria);
    • if quantifier is "all", remove from this bag all programs which do not meet at least one criterion;
    • include or exclude the resulting programs. Note that the "exclude" operation extends to the programs which import the resulting ones: if the user wants to exclude a program, she obviously expects that the programs which require it are excluded too.


criteria : List[Criterion]
A list of criteria, i.e., a mix of regular expression patterns (strings) and/or predicates (triples).
operation : Operation
Either "impart", "hide", "include" or "exclude".
quantifier : str
Either "any" or "all".
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def update_filter(
    criteria: List[Criterion],
    operation: Operation,
    quantifier: str,
) -> None:
    if operation in ("impart", "hide"):
        patterns = [str(criterion) for criterion in criteria]
        if operation == "impart":
            (program_set, taxon_set) = self.programs_and_taxa_of_patterns(patterns)
            self.exclude_programs(program_set, follow=False)
            (program_set, taxon_set) = self.programs_or_taxa_of_patterns(patterns)
        program_bag = self.programs_of_criteria(criteria, follow=(operation == "exclude"))
        if quantifier == "all":
            program_bag -= counter({program: len(criteria) - 1 for program in program_bag})
        if operation == "include":
        else:  # necessarily "exclude"
            self.exclude_programs(set(program_bag), follow=True)
def programs_and_taxa_of_patterns(self,
patterns: List[str]
) ‑> Tuple[Set[ProgramPath], Set[TaxonName]]

Calculate the sets of programs and taxa matching at least one of the patterns.


Each pattern is a string which is interpreted either as:

  • a program path pattern (ending with ".py"). All programs matching it are accumulated in the result, along with any taxon they feature, directly or by importation, this being the only difference with ProgramFilter.programs_or_taxa_of_patterns();
  • or a taxon name pattern. All taxa matching it are accumulated in the result.


patterns : List[str]
A list of regular expression patterns (strings).


Tuple[ProgramPathSet, TaxonNameSet]
The couple of accumulated programs and taxa.
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def programs_and_taxa_of_patterns(
    self, patterns: List[str]
) -> Tuple[ProgramPathSet, TaxonNameSet]:
    resulting_taxa: TaxonNameSet = set()
    resulting_programs: ProgramPathSet = set()
    for pattern in patterns:
        if pattern.endswith(".py"):
            programs = self.programs_of_pattern(pattern)
            taxa = self.taxa_of_programs(programs, follow=False)
            taxa = self.taxa_of_pattern(pattern)
    return (resulting_programs, resulting_taxa)
def programs_or_taxa_of_patterns(self,
patterns: List[str]
) ‑> Tuple[Set[ProgramPath], Set[TaxonName]]

See ProgramFilter.programs_and_taxa_of_patterns(), minus the part in italics.

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def programs_or_taxa_of_patterns(
    self, patterns: List[str]
) -> Tuple[ProgramPathSet, TaxonNameSet]:
    resulting_taxa: TaxonNameSet = set()
    resulting_programs: ProgramPathSet = set()
    for pattern in patterns:
        if pattern.endswith(".py"):
    return (resulting_programs, resulting_taxa)
def programs_of_criteria(self,
criteria: List[Union[str, Tuple[str, str, str]]],
follow: bool
) ‑> Counter[ProgramPath]

Calculate the set of programs that meet at least one of the criteria.


Each criterion may be either:

  • a string, which will be interpreted either as:
    • a program path pattern (ending with ".py"). All programs matching it are accumulated in the result;
    • or a taxon name pattern. All programs featuring at least one taxon matching it are accumulated in the result. If the operation is "exclude", this set is extended to the programs which import (either directly or by transitivity) at least one of its members;
  • a triple consisting in a “subject” pattern, a predicate (positive or negative) and an ”object” pattern. This predicate is normalized and, depending on its “sign”, evaluated on the patterns by either ProgramFilter.programs_of_triple() or ProgramFilter.programs_of_negated_triple().


criteria : List[Criterion]
A list of criteria, i.e., a mix of regular expression patterns (strings) and/or predicates (triples).
follow : bool
If True, extend the result with all the programs which import (either directly or by transitivity) at least one program meeting a criterion.


A bag (multiset) counting, for each resulting program, the number of criteria it meets.
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def programs_of_criteria(self, criteria: List[Criterion], follow: bool) -> Counter[ProgramPath]:
    resulting_programs: Counter[ProgramPath] = counter()
    for criterion in criteria:
        if isinstance(criterion, str):  # the criterion is a pattern
            if criterion.endswith(".py"):  # the pattern is a program pattern
                programs = self.programs_of_pattern(criterion)
            else:  # the pattern is a label pattern
                taxa = self.taxa_of_pattern(criterion)
                programs = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa, follow=follow)
        elif isinstance(criterion, (list, tuple)) and len(criterion) == 3:
            (pattern_1, raw_predicate, pattern_2) = criterion
            (predicate, negated) = normalize_predicate(raw_predicate)
            function = self.programs_of_negated_triple if negated else self.programs_of_triple
            resulting_programs.update(function(pattern_1, predicate, pattern_2))
            print_warning(f"criterion {repr(criterion)} cannot be included or excluded.")
    return resulting_programs
def impart_taxa(self,
taxa: Set[TaxonName]
) ‑> NoneType

Enrich the imparted knowledge with all the prefixes of the given taxa.

Add to self.imparted_knowledge the given taxa, along with all their prefixes. For instance, imparting a taxon a/b/c, will impart taxa a and a/b too.


taxa : TaxonNameSet
The concepts to be imparted along with their “super” concepts.
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def impart_taxa(self, taxa: TaxonNameSet) -> None:
    for taxon in taxa:
        edges = taxon.split("/")
        for i in range(len(edges)):
            prefix = "/".join(edges[: i + 1])
def include_programs(self,
programs: Set[ProgramPath]
) ‑> NoneType

Deselect the programs not found among the given ones.


programs : ProgramPathSet
The set of programs to keep (provided they are already in self.selected_programs). All other programs of self.selected_programs will be filtered out.
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def include_programs(self, programs: ProgramPathSet) -> None:
def exclude_programs(self,
programs: Set[ProgramPath],
follow: bool
) ‑> NoneType

Deselect the programs found among the given ones or (optionally) importing them.


programs : ProgramPathSet
The set of programs to exclude.
follow : bool
If True, exclude also all programs which import (either directly or by transitivity) at least one member of the given programs.
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def exclude_programs(self, programs: ProgramPathSet, follow: bool) -> None:
    if follow:
        for program in programs:
            self.selected_programs.difference_update(self.db_exportations.get(program, {}))
def programs_of_triple(self,
taxon_pattern_1: str,
predicate: Callable[[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]], bool],
taxon_pattern_2: str
) ‑> Set[ProgramPath]

Return the programs where two given taxa satisfy a given predicate.


taxon_pattern_1 : str
A regular expression pattern matching the “subject” of the semantic triple.
predicate : Predicate
the predicate of the semantic triple, always expressed in positive form.
taxon_pattern_2 : str
A regular expression pattern matching the ”object” of the semantic triple.


The programs featuring at least one span s_1 of taxon_1 and one span s_2 of taxon_2 for which predicate(s_1, s_2) is verified.
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def programs_of_triple(
    taxon_pattern_1: str,
    predicate: Predicate,
    taxon_pattern_2: str,
) -> ProgramPathSet:
    taxa_1 = self.taxa_of_pattern(taxon_pattern_1)
    taxa_2 = self.taxa_of_pattern(taxon_pattern_2)
    programs_1 = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa_1)
    programs_2 = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa_2)
    result: ProgramPathSet = set()
    for program in programs_1 & programs_2:  # for each program featuring both taxon sets
        spans = self.db_programs[program]["taxa"]
        for (span_1, span_2) in self.iterate_on_spans(spans, taxa_1, taxa_2):
            if predicate(span_1, span_2):
    return result
def programs_of_negated_triple(self,
taxon_pattern_1: str,
predicate: Callable[[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]], bool],
taxon_pattern_2: str
) ‑> Set[ProgramPath]

Return the programs where the given predicate is not satisfied.


The same arguments as ProgramFilter.programs_of_triple(), including the fact that the predicate is expressed in positive form.


The set of programs which feature at least one taxon matching taxon_pattern_1, and such that, for any span s_1 of such a taxon, there exists no span s_2 of a taxon matching taxon_pattern_2 for which predicate(s_1, s_2) is verified.


See the pipeline documentation.

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def programs_of_negated_triple(
    taxon_pattern_1: str,
    predicate: Predicate,
    taxon_pattern_2: str,
) -> ProgramPathSet:
    taxa_1 = self.taxa_of_pattern(taxon_pattern_1)
    taxa_2 = self.taxa_of_pattern(taxon_pattern_2)
    programs_1 = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa_1)
    programs_2 = self.programs_of_taxa(taxa_2)
    result: ProgramPathSet = programs_1  # by default, keep all programs featuring taxon_1
    for program in programs_1 & programs_2:  # for each program featuring both taxon sets
        spans = self.db_programs[program]["taxa"]
        exists_span_2_satisfying_predicate: Dict[Tuple, bool] = defaultdict(bool)
        for (span_1, span_2) in self.iterate_on_spans(spans, taxa_1, taxa_2):
            exists_span_2_satisfying_predicate[tuple(span_1)] |= predicate(span_1, span_2)
        if all(exists_span_2_satisfying_predicate.values()):
            # for any span_1, there is at least one span_2 such that predicate(span_1, span_2)
    return result
def iterate_on_spans(self,
spans: Dict[TaxonName, List[Tuple[int, int]]],
taxa_1: Set[TaxonName],
taxa_2: Set[TaxonName]
) ‑> Iterator

Generate all relevant couples of spans for the given “subject” and ”object” taxa.


This private function is invoked by ProgramFilter.programs_of_triple() and ProgramFilter.programs_of_negated_triple() to enumerate the couples of spans on which a condition of the form : “subject_span predicate object_span” will be evaluated. Initially, such a condition is expressed by the user as: “subject_pattern predicate object_pattern”. Both patterns may match several taxa and, in a given program, each taxon can occur on several different or even identical spans. Ultimately, the predicate expresses a relation between two spans.


spans : TaxaPoorSpans
The dictionary of the taxa featured by a certain program, each taxon being associated with a list of poor spans (“poor” meaning that they contain no other information than the numbers of the first and last line of a taxon occurrence).
taxa_1 : TaxonNameSet
The various “subject” taxa of the semantic triple.
taxa_2 : TaxonNameSet
The various “object” taxa of the semantic triple.


Couples of poor spans, in no particular order.


Consider a program featuring taxa t1, t2, t3 and t4 on the following spans:

>>> spans = {
...      "t1": [(1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2)],
...      "t2": [(2, 3), (1, 2)],
...      "t3": [(3, 3)],
...      "t4": [(4, 4)],
... }

Note that t1 occurs twice on span (1, 1), and that t1 and t2 have span (1, 2) in common.

Suppose first that the sets taxa_1 and taxa_2 have no common taxa. In this case, the couples of spans on which to check the predicate are obtained by a simple cross-product, e.g.:

>>> iterate_on_spans(spans, {"t1", "t2"}, {"t3", "t4"})
((1, 1), (3, 3))  # t1 (1) ⨉ t3
((1, 1), (3, 3))  # t1 (2) ⨉ t3
((1, 2), (3, 3))  # t1 (3) ⨉ t3
((1, 1), (4, 4))  # t1 (1) ⨉ t4
((1, 1), (4, 4))  # t1 (2) ⨉ t4
((1, 2), (4, 4))  # t1 (3) ⨉ t4
((2, 3), (3, 3))  # t2 (1) ⨉ t3
((1, 2), (3, 3))  # t2 (2) ⨉ t3
((2, 3), (4, 4))  # t2 (1) ⨉ t4
((1, 2), (4, 4))  # t2 (2) ⨉ t4

Suppose now that the sets taxa_1 and taxa_2 have t1 in common. In that case, we must suppress the diagonal of the cross-product, which not only carries zero useful information, but will make certain conditions fail. For instance, if we seek to include all the programs not featuring two multiplications on the same line, the condition will be something like: “no multiplication is featured on the same line than another one”. Keeping the diagonal would add “or itself“ to the previous condition. Since any taxon is obviously featured on the same line than itself, no program would satisfy the condition.

In the example below, note which lines are suppressed, and which are kept (particularly for ((1, 1), (1, 1))):

>>> iterate_on_spans(spans, {"t1", "t2"}, {"t1", "t3"})
# ((1, 1), (1, 1))  # t1 (1) ⨉ t1 (1) (not generated)
  ((1, 1), (1, 1))  # t1 (1) ⨉ t1 (2)
  ((1, 1), (1, 2))  # t1 (1) ⨉ t1 (3)
  ((1, 1), (1, 1))  # t1 (2) ⨉ t1 (1)
# ((1, 1), (1, 1))  # t1 (2) ⨉ t1 (2) (not generated)
  ((1, 1), (1, 2))  # t1 (2) ⨉ t1 (3)
  ((1, 2), (1, 1))  # t1 (3) ⨉ t1 (1)
  ((1, 2), (1, 1))  # t1 (3) ⨉ t1 (2)
# ((1, 2), (1, 2))  # t1 (3) ⨉ t1 (3) (not generated)
  ((1, 1), (3, 3))  # t1 (1) ⨉ t3
  ((1, 1), (3, 3))  # t1 (2) ⨉ t3
  ((1, 2), (3, 3))  # t1 (3) ⨉ t3
  ((2, 3), (1, 1))  # t2 (1) ⨉ t1 (1)
  ((2, 3), (1, 1))  # t2 (1) ⨉ t1 (2)
  ((2, 3), (1, 2))  # t2 (1) ⨉ t1 (3)
  ((1, 2), (1, 1))  # t2 (2) ⨉ t1 (1)
  ((1, 2), (1, 1))  # t2 (2) ⨉ t1 (2)
  ((1, 2), (1, 2))  # t2 (2) ⨉ t1 (3)
  ((2, 3), (3, 3))  # t2 (1) x t3
  ((1, 2), (3, 3))  # t2 (2) x t3
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def iterate_on_spans(
    self,  # declared as an instance method to prevent pdoc3 from misplacing its documentation.
    spans: TaxaPoorSpans,
    taxa_1: TaxonNameSet,
    taxa_2: TaxonNameSet,
) -> Iterator:
    for (taxon_1, taxon_2) in product(taxa_1, taxa_2):
        if taxon_1 in spans and taxon_2 in spans:
            if taxon_1 == taxon_2:  # exclude diagonal from iteration
                yield from permutations(spans[taxon_1], 2)
                yield from product(spans[taxon_1], spans[taxon_2])