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Module paroxython.derived_labels_db

An in-memory database collecting the labels of a given program.

Main table

The database is not really relational. It merely consists in a table t where each row is a distinct occurrence of every label featured by a given program. Initially, t is populated with the labels found by the queries specified by a regular expression of

The SQL queries are then executed, and the resulting labels (known as derived) inserted into t as they are found.

Note that the results of a given SQL query may themselves be required by a subsequent SQL query.


The following simple SQL query of finds the loops of a program. The resulting label names (e.g., "loop:while") consist in a fixed prefix "loop" and a suffix denoting the category of the loop (either "for" or "while").

SELECT "loop",
WHERE name_prefix IN ("for", "while")

The execution of this query comes after the evaluation of all regular expressions, in particular those collecting the features "for" and "while". It simply gathers them under the prefix "loop", and qualifies them by their category.

The resulting labels will later be used by other SQL queries to search for features such as "loop_with_break", "loop_with_late_exit", "loop_with_else", and so on.


For simplicity and performance reasons, a bunch of subtables are extracted on the fly from t. Actually, every time a query relies on a non-existing table named t_PREFIX, this table is dynamically created as the set of rows of t whose value on column name_prefix is PREFIX.


The following SQL query of relies on the previous one to find the loops featuring a break statement. It is more complicated, since it suffixes "loop_with_break" with the span of the smallest enclosing loop. Anyway, it relies on the results of both the previous SQL query and a trivial regular expression matching the break statements.

SELECT "loop_with_break",
    max(l.span_start) || "-" || min(l.span_end),
FROM t_loop l
JOIN t_break b ON (b.path GLOB l.path || "*-")
GROUP BY b.rowid

Instead of referring the corresponding rows in t (which would complicate the query), two subtables restricted to them are referred, t_loop and t_break. For example, if a t_loop subtable does not exist yet, the system extracts it from t by executing:

WHERE name_prefix = 'loop'

The newly created table is then available for all subsequent queries that may need it, which can significantly speed up their execution.


Using views instead of tables turns out to be slightly slower. Also, for whatever mysterious reason, several queries produce an incorrect result.

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import sqlite3
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Set, Callable, Dict

import regex  # type: ignore

from .goodies import couple_to_string, print_warning
from .user_types import Label, LabelName, Labels, Query, Span

class DerivedLabelsDatabase:

    columns = (
        # use rowid as primary key:
        "name TEXT",
        "name_prefix TEXT",
        "name_suffix TEXT",
        "span TEXT",
        "span_start INT",
        "span_end INT",
        "path TEXT",
    def __init__(self):
        self.c = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
        self.c.create_function("regexp", narg=2, func=lambda rex, s: bool(regex.match(rex, s)))
        # References:
        # -
        # -
        # -

    def create(
        labels: Labels,
        create_main_table: str = f"CREATE TABLE t ({','.join(columns)})",  # never provided
    ) -> None:
        self.subtables: Set[LabelName] = set()

    def read(
        query: Query,
        prerequisites: Callable = regex.compile(r"(?m)\b(?:FROM|JOIN) t_(\w+)").findall,
        create_subtable: str = "CREATE TABLE t_{0} AS SELECT * FROM t WHERE name_prefix = '{0}'",
    ) -> Labels:
        # Parse the prerequisites of the query, and create the corresponding subtables if needed.
        for label_name in prerequisites(query):
            if label_name not in self.subtables:
        # Execute the query and return the resulting labels, deduplicated by (label_name, path).
        labels_spans: Dict[LabelName, Dict[Span, Any]] = defaultdict(dict)
            row_iterator = self.c.execute(query)
        except Exception as exception:  # pragma: no cover
            print_warning(f"problem in the following query:\n\n{query}\n")
            raise exception
        for (name_prefix, name_suffix, span_string, path) in row_iterator:
            label_name = f"{name_prefix}:{name_suffix}" if name_suffix != "" else name_prefix
            span = span_string.split("-")
            labels_spans[label_name][Span(int(span[0]), int(span[-1]), path)] = None
        return [Label(name, list(spans)) for (name, spans) in labels_spans.items()]

    def update(
        labels: Labels,
        update_query: str = f"INSERT INTO t VALUES ({','.join('?' * len(columns))})",
    ) -> None:
        rows = []
        for (name, spans) in labels:
            for span in spans:
                (prefix, _, suffix) = name.partition(":")  # split on the first colon
                span_string = couple_to_string(span)
                rows.append((name, prefix, suffix, span_string, span.start, span.end, span.path))
        self.c.executemany(update_query, rows)

    def delete(self) -> None:
        self.c.execute("DROP TABLE t")
        for label_name in self.subtables:
            self.c.execute(f"DROP TABLE t_{label_name}")

    def __str__(self) -> str:  # pragma: no cover
        rows = ["name name_prefix name_suffix span span_start span_end path".split()]
        rows.extend(sorted(list(map(str, row)) for row in self.c.execute("SELECT * FROM t")))
        widths = list(map(len, [max(column, key=len) for column in zip(*rows)]))
        result = [""]
        for row in rows:
            result.append(" | ".join(s + " " * (w - len(s)) for (w, s) in zip(widths, row)))
        result[1:1] = ["-+-".join("-" * w for w in widths)]
        return "\n".join(result)


class DerivedLabelsDatabase
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class DerivedLabelsDatabase:

    columns = (
        # use rowid as primary key:
        "name TEXT",
        "name_prefix TEXT",
        "name_suffix TEXT",
        "span TEXT",
        "span_start INT",
        "span_end INT",
        "path TEXT",
    def __init__(self):
        self.c = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
        self.c.create_function("regexp", narg=2, func=lambda rex, s: bool(regex.match(rex, s)))
        # References:
        # -
        # -
        # -

    def create(
        labels: Labels,
        create_main_table: str = f"CREATE TABLE t ({','.join(columns)})",  # never provided
    ) -> None:
        self.subtables: Set[LabelName] = set()

    def read(
        query: Query,
        prerequisites: Callable = regex.compile(r"(?m)\b(?:FROM|JOIN) t_(\w+)").findall,
        create_subtable: str = "CREATE TABLE t_{0} AS SELECT * FROM t WHERE name_prefix = '{0}'",
    ) -> Labels:
        # Parse the prerequisites of the query, and create the corresponding subtables if needed.
        for label_name in prerequisites(query):
            if label_name not in self.subtables:
        # Execute the query and return the resulting labels, deduplicated by (label_name, path).
        labels_spans: Dict[LabelName, Dict[Span, Any]] = defaultdict(dict)
            row_iterator = self.c.execute(query)
        except Exception as exception:  # pragma: no cover
            print_warning(f"problem in the following query:\n\n{query}\n")
            raise exception
        for (name_prefix, name_suffix, span_string, path) in row_iterator:
            label_name = f"{name_prefix}:{name_suffix}" if name_suffix != "" else name_prefix
            span = span_string.split("-")
            labels_spans[label_name][Span(int(span[0]), int(span[-1]), path)] = None
        return [Label(name, list(spans)) for (name, spans) in labels_spans.items()]

    def update(
        labels: Labels,
        update_query: str = f"INSERT INTO t VALUES ({','.join('?' * len(columns))})",
    ) -> None:
        rows = []
        for (name, spans) in labels:
            for span in spans:
                (prefix, _, suffix) = name.partition(":")  # split on the first colon
                span_string = couple_to_string(span)
                rows.append((name, prefix, suffix, span_string, span.start, span.end, span.path))
        self.c.executemany(update_query, rows)

    def delete(self) -> None:
        self.c.execute("DROP TABLE t")
        for label_name in self.subtables:
            self.c.execute(f"DROP TABLE t_{label_name}")

    def __str__(self) -> str:  # pragma: no cover
        rows = ["name name_prefix name_suffix span span_start span_end path".split()]
        rows.extend(sorted(list(map(str, row)) for row in self.c.execute("SELECT * FROM t")))
        widths = list(map(len, [max(column, key=len) for column in zip(*rows)]))
        result = [""]
        for row in rows:
            result.append(" | ".join(s + " " * (w - len(s)) for (w, s) in zip(widths, row)))
        result[1:1] = ["-+-".join("-" * w for w in widths)]
        return "\n".join(result)

Class variables

var columns

The structure of the main table t, consisting of the following columns:

Column Type Description and example
rowid INT Primary key (automatically generated)
name TEXT Complete name of the label, e.g.
name_prefix TEXT Its prefix (part before the first colon, here
name_suffix TEXT Its suffix (may contain one or more colons),
here "for:break"
span TEXT Numbers of the first and last lines of the
feature as a hyphen-separated string, e.g. "2-8"
span_start INT Its first line number, here 2
span_end INT Its first line number, here 8
path TEXT String encoding the beginning of the feature
as its path from the root of the AST, e.g.


def create(self,
labels: List[Label],
create_main_table: str = 'CREATE TABLE t (name TEXT,name_prefix TEXT,name_suffix TEXT,span TEXT,span_start INT,span_end INT,path TEXT)'
) ‑> NoneType

Create the main table and populate it with regex-specified labels.


labels : Labels
The label names and spans featured by a certain program. Only those specified by a regular expression in are included. It is the very purpose of this module to add the remaining ones, specified by a SQL query.
create_main_table : str, optional
The SQL query creating the table. Not to be explicitly provided. Defaults to f"CREATE TABLE t ({','.join(columns)})".
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def create(
    labels: Labels,
    create_main_table: str = f"CREATE TABLE t ({','.join(columns)})",  # never provided
) -> None:
    self.subtables: Set[LabelName] = set()
def read(self,
query: Query,
prerequisites: Callable = <built-in method findall of regex>,
create_subtable: str = "CREATE TABLE t_{0} AS SELECT * FROM t WHERE name_prefix = '{0}'"
) ‑> List[Label]

Apply the given SQL query to the currently known labels, and returns the new labels.


query : Query
The SQL specification of a certain feature, as defined in
prerequisites : Callable, optional
A function taking an SQL query, and returning the table names referred to in the FROM clause. Not to be explicitly provided. Defaults to regex.compile(r"(?m)\b(?:FROM|JOIN) t_(\w+)").findall.
create_subtable : str, optional
The SQL query creating a subtable from a label prefix. Not to be explicitly provided. Defaults to "CREATE TABLE t_{0} AS SELECT * FROM t WHERE name_prefix = '{0}'".


The additional labels found by the given SQL query.


As a side-effect, create in the database any non-existing subtable of t referred to as a prerequisite.

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def read(
    query: Query,
    prerequisites: Callable = regex.compile(r"(?m)\b(?:FROM|JOIN) t_(\w+)").findall,
    create_subtable: str = "CREATE TABLE t_{0} AS SELECT * FROM t WHERE name_prefix = '{0}'",
) -> Labels:
    # Parse the prerequisites of the query, and create the corresponding subtables if needed.
    for label_name in prerequisites(query):
        if label_name not in self.subtables:
    # Execute the query and return the resulting labels, deduplicated by (label_name, path).
    labels_spans: Dict[LabelName, Dict[Span, Any]] = defaultdict(dict)
        row_iterator = self.c.execute(query)
    except Exception as exception:  # pragma: no cover
        print_warning(f"problem in the following query:\n\n{query}\n")
        raise exception
    for (name_prefix, name_suffix, span_string, path) in row_iterator:
        label_name = f"{name_prefix}:{name_suffix}" if name_suffix != "" else name_prefix
        span = span_string.split("-")
        labels_spans[label_name][Span(int(span[0]), int(span[-1]), path)] = None
    return [Label(name, list(spans)) for (name, spans) in labels_spans.items()]
def update(self,
labels: List[Label],
update_query: str = 'INSERT INTO t VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'
) ‑> NoneType

Insert a set of labels into the main table t.


labels : Labels
The labels to be inserted.
update_query : str, optional
The SQL query inserting a row in t. Not to be explicitly provided. Defaults to f"INSERT INTO t VALUES ({','.join('?' * len(columns))})".
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def update(
    labels: Labels,
    update_query: str = f"INSERT INTO t VALUES ({','.join('?' * len(columns))})",
) -> None:
    rows = []
    for (name, spans) in labels:
        for span in spans:
            (prefix, _, suffix) = name.partition(":")  # split on the first colon
            span_string = couple_to_string(span)
            rows.append((name, prefix, suffix, span_string, span.start, span.end, span.path))
    self.c.executemany(update_query, rows)
def delete(self) ‑> NoneType

Empty the database after having executed all the SQL queries.

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def delete(self) -> None:
    self.c.execute("DROP TABLE t")
    for label_name in self.subtables:
        self.c.execute(f"DROP TABLE t_{label_name}")