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Module paroxython.parse_program

Search a program for the features specified in

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from collections import defaultdict
from os.path import dirname
from pathlib import Path
from time import perf_counter
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Tuple

import regex  # type: ignore

from .derived_labels_db import DerivedLabelsDatabase
from .flatten_ast import ast, flatten_ast
from .goodies import print_fail
from .user_types import Label, LabelName, Labels, LabelsSpans, Program, Query, Source, Span

__pdoc__ = {
    "ProgramParser": "",
    "ProgramParser.__init__": True,
    "ProgramParser.__call__": True,
    "foobar": True,

def find_all_features(
    specifications: str,
    find_all: Callable = regex.compile(
        r"^\#{4}\s+Feature\s+`(.+?)`"  # capture the label's pattern
        r".+?\#{5}\s+Specification"  # ensure the sequel is in the Specification section
        r".+?```(.*?)\n+(.*?)\n?```"  # capture the language and the specification
) -> Iterator[Tuple[LabelName, str, str]]:
    return find_all(specifications)

def pos_to_span(pos: List[str]) -> Span:
    (start, path) = pos[0].split(":")
    (end, _) = pos[-1].split(":")
    return Span(int(start), int(end), path)

DEFAULT_SPEC_PATH = Path(dirname(__file__)) / "resources" / ""

def get_bindings(
    label_prefix: LabelName, captures: Dict[str, List[str]]
) -> Iterator[Tuple[LabelName, Span]]:
    if captures.get("SUFFIX"):
        # There is a "SUFFIX" key and its value is not `[]`.
        if len(captures["POS"]) == len(captures["SUFFIX"]):
            # When there are as many matched positions as suffixes, associate them in parallel.
            for (suffix, pos) in zip(captures["SUFFIX"], captures["POS"]):
                yield (LabelName(f"{label_prefix}:{suffix}"), pos_to_span([pos]))
            # When there are more or less matched positions than suffixes, interpret the positions
            # as defining a unique span, and associate it with each suffix.
            span = pos_to_span(captures["POS"])
            for suffix in captures["SUFFIX"]:
                yield (LabelName(f"{label_prefix}:{suffix}"), span)
        # There is no "SUFFIX" key or its value is `[]`.
        yield (label_prefix, pos_to_span(captures["POS"]))

class ProgramParser:
    def __init__(self, spec_path: Path = DEFAULT_SPEC_PATH) -> None:
        self.spec_path = spec_path
        text = self.spec_path.read_text()
        self.features: Dict[LabelName, regex.Pattern] = {}
        self.queries: Dict[LabelName, Query] = {}
        self.times: Dict[LabelName, float] = {LabelName("TOTAL"): 0.0}
        for (label_name, language, specification) in find_all_features(text):
            if label_name in self.features:  # pragma: no cover
                print_fail(f"Duplicated name '{label_name}'!")
            self.times[label_name] = 0.0
            if language == "re":
                self.features[label_name] = regex.compile(f"(?mx){specification}").finditer
            elif language == "sql":
                self.queries[label_name] = Query(specification)
            elif specification.strip() != "":  # pragma: no cover
                print_fail(f"Unknow language '{language}' for '{label_name}'!")
        self.derived_labels_database = DerivedLabelsDatabase()

    def __call__(self, program: Program, yield_failed_matches: bool = False) -> Labels:
        # If the program can be parsed and is nonempty, flatten its AST.
            tree = ast.parse(program.source)
        except (SyntaxError, ValueError) as exception:
            return [
                    [Span(1, program.source.count("\n") + 1)],
        # The next comment prevents a (wrong?) mypy error: "AST" has no attribute "body"
        if not tree.body:  # type: ignore
            return [Label(LabelName("ast_construction:EmptyProgramError"), [Span(0, 0)])]
        self.flat_ast = flatten_ast(tree)

        # Search the flat AST for every feature which is specified by a regular expression.
        labels: LabelsSpans = defaultdict(list)
        for (label_prefix, finditer) in self.features.items():
            start = perf_counter()
            failed_match = True
            for match in finditer(self.flat_ast, overlapped=True):
                failed_match = False
                for (label_name, span) in get_bindings(label_prefix, match.capturesdict()):
                    try:  # Unless this binding (without its path) is scheduled for deletion...
                        program.deletion[label_name].remove(Span(span.start, span.end))  # (no path)
                    except (KeyError, ValueError):  # ... actually bind the name with the span.
            elapsed = perf_counter() - start
            self.times[label_prefix] += elapsed
            self.times[LabelName("TOTAL")] += elapsed
            if yield_failed_matches and failed_match:
                labels[label_prefix] = []

        # Update the matching features with those featured for addition.
        for (label_name, spans) in program.addition.items():

        # Now, use the features found so far to derive all those specified by an SQL query.
        result = [Label(*item) for item in labels.items()]
        self.derived_labels_database.create(result)  # The search is seeded with the know features.
        for (label_name, query) in self.queries.items():
            # Try to derive, from the DB current state, some label names matching `label_name`.
            start = perf_counter()
            derived_labels =
            elapsed = perf_counter() - start
            self.times[label_name] += elapsed
            self.times[LabelName("TOTAL")] += elapsed
            # Suppress the labels scheduled for deletion
            labels.clear()  # reuse the dictionary associating each label name to its spans
            for label in derived_labels:
                for span in label.spans:
                    try:  # Unless this binding (without its path) is scheduled for deletion...
                        program.deletion[].remove(Span(span.start, span.end))
                    except (KeyError, ValueError):  # ... actually bind the name with the span.
            derived_labels = [Label(*item) for item in labels.items()]
            if derived_labels:
                # Bingo! update the DB state and the result with the new labels.
            elif yield_failed_matches:
                result.append(Label(label_name, []))
        # Empty the DB to make it ready for the next program.

        return sorted(result)

    def print_performances(self):  # pragma: no cover
        result = sorted(self.times.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)
        print("Elapsed times by features (in seconds)")
        for (name, seconds) in result:
            print(f"{seconds:8.4f}\t {name}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Take an individual source, print its features and write its flat AST.
    from .goodies import couple_to_string

    path = Path("sandbox/")
    source = path.read_text().strip()
    if source.startswith("1   "):
        source = regex.sub(r"(?m)^.{1,4}", "", source)
    for (i, line) in enumerate(source.split("\n"), 1):
    program = Program(source=Source(source), labels=[], taxa=[], addition={}, deletion={})
    parse = ProgramParser()
    acc = []
    for (name, spans) in sorted(parse(program, yield_failed_matches=False)):
        spans_as_string = ", ".join(map(couple_to_string, spans))
        acc.append(f"| `{name}` | {spans_as_string} |")
        # acc[-1] += " %s |" % ", ".join(f"{span.path}" for span in spans)


def find_all_features(specifications: str,
find_all: Callable = <built-in method findall of regex>
) ‑> Iterator[Tuple[LabelName, str, str]]

Iterate on all tuples defining an algorithmic feature in the given specification text.


specifications : str
Normally, the contents of
find_all : Callable, optional
A function finding all feature-defining triples of the text. Not to be explicitly provided.


Iterator[Tuple[LabelName, str, str]]

An iterator yielding all matching triples of the form:

  1. label name pattern (e.g., "try" or "try_raise|try_except"),
  2. language (currently, "re" or "sql"),
  3. specification (respectively, a regular expression pattern or an SQL query).
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def find_all_features(
    specifications: str,
    find_all: Callable = regex.compile(
        r"^\#{4}\s+Feature\s+`(.+?)`"  # capture the label's pattern
        r".+?\#{5}\s+Specification"  # ensure the sequel is in the Specification section
        r".+?```(.*?)\n+(.*?)\n?```"  # capture the language and the specification
) -> Iterator[Tuple[LabelName, str, str]]:
    return find_all(specifications)
def pos_to_span(pos: List[str]) ‑> Span

Convert a list of positions (as captured in a specification string) into a single span.


pos : List[str]
A non-empty list of strings of the form f"{line_number}:{path}"



A named tuple consisting of:

  • start: the line number extracted from the first string;
  • end: the line number extracted from the last string (the same as start if there is only one string);
  • path: the path extracted from the first string.

Note that all other substrings, if any, are ignored.


>>> pos_to_span(["1:path_1"])
Span(1, 1, "path_1")
>>> pos_to_span(["1:path_1", "2:path_2"])
Span(1, 2, "path_1")
>>> pos_to_span(["1:path_1", "2:path_2", "3:path_3", "4:path_4"])
Span(1, 4, "path_1")
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def pos_to_span(pos: List[str]) -> Span:
    (start, path) = pos[0].split(":")
    (end, _) = pos[-1].split(":")
    return Span(int(start), int(end), path)
def get_bindings(label_prefix: LabelName,
captures: Dict[str, List[str]]
) ‑> Iterator[Tuple[LabelName, Span]]

Analyze the matches of a feature, and bind the corresponding names and spans.


label_prefix : LabelName
The name of a feature specified by a regular expression. Note that such a name is literal: contrary to those defined by an SQL query, they cannot include the alternation meta-character ("|").
captures : Dict[str, List[str]]
A dictionary of the named groups and lists of all the captures of those groups, as matched by the function regex.finditer(). Contains a non-empty entry "POS" and, optionally, an entry "SUFFIX". All other entries are ignored.


Iterator[Tuple[LabelName, Span]]
At least one binding between a label name and a span.


The simplest cases happen when there is one or several "POS", but no "SUFFIX":

>>> get_bindings("null_operation", {"POS": ["4:1-3-1-5-1-"]})
("null_operation", Span(start=4, end=4, path="1-3-1-5-1-"))
>>> get_bindings("while", {"POS": ["11:2-", "16:2-1-4-2-1-2-"]})
("while", Span(start=11, end=16, path="2-"))
>>> get_bindings("divisibility_test", {
...     "POS": ["15:3-5-1-2-1-0-"],
...     "SUFFIX": []
... })
("divisibility_test", Span(start=15, end=15, path="3-5-1-2-1-0-"))

When there are as many "POS" than "SUFFIX", they are binded pairwise. The resulting spans cannot span multiple lines:

>>> get_bindings("literal", {
...     "POS": ["16:3-5-1-2-1-1-1-0-"],
...     "SUFFIX": ["False"],
... })
("literal:False", Span(start=16, end=16, path="3-5-1-2-1-1-1-0-"))
>>> get_bindings("if_test_atom", {
...     "POS": ["31:5-2-1-0-0-0-", "31:5-2-1-0-0-2-1-1-", "31:5-2-1-0-2-1-"],
...     "SUFFIX": ["b", "a", "greatest"],
... })
("if_test_atom:b", Span(start=31, end=31, path="5-2-1-0-0-0-"))
("if_test_atom:a", Span(start=31, end=31, path="5-2-1-0-0-2-1-1-"))
("if_test_atom:greatest", Span(start=31, end=31, path="5-2-1-0-2-1-"))

In all other cases, "POS" is interpreted as delimiting only one occurrence (which can span multiple lines), and associated repeatedly with the different suffixes:

>>> get_bindings("import_module", {"POS": ["1:1-"], "SUFFIX": ["m1", "m2", "m3"]})
("import_module:m1", Span(start=1, end=1, path="1-"))
("import_module:m2", Span(start=1, end=1, path="1-"))
("import_module:m3", Span(start=1, end=1, path="1-"))
>>> get_bindings("function_decorator", {
...     "POS": ["1:1-", "1:1-2-1-", "2:1-2-2-", "3:1-2-3-", "5:1-5-1-"],
...     "SUFFIX": ["bizz", "foo", "bar"],
... })
("function_decorator:bizz", Span(start=1, end=5, path="1-")),
("function_decorator:foo", Span(start=1, end=5, path="1-")),
("function_decorator:bar", Span(start=1, end=5, path="1-")),


Consider the problem of detecting the feature for in the following program:

for (i, j) in seq:

With such a multi-line feature, it is normally enough to capture two positions, namely those of its start (1) and its end (2). However, in this case we want to suffix for with the names of the two iterations variables (for:i and for:j). If we devise the regular expression specification without special care:

\n(?:\1.+\n)* \1/.*/_pos=(?P<POS>.+)

… as many positions as there are suffixes will be passed to the present function:

>>> get_bindings("for", {'POS': ['1:1-', '2:1-2-1-'], 'SUFFIX': ['i', 'j']})
("for:i", Span(start=1, end=1, path="1-"))
("for:j", Span(start=2, end=2, path="1-2-1-"))

… which will result in two (wrong) bindings instead of one. The workaround implemented in consists in capturing as many supplementary positions as iteration variables:

\n(?:\1.+\n)*?\1/(?P=_1)             /id=(?P<SUFFIX>.+)
\n(?:\1.+\n)* \1/.*/_pos=(?P<POS>.+)

So, there are now two more positions in the captured dictionary. Since they are not at the ends of the list, they are ignored by pos_to_span(), and the result is now correct:

>>> get_bindings("for", {
...     'POS': ['1:1-', '1:1-0-0-1-', '1:1-0-0-2-', '2:1-2-1-'],
...      '_1': ['target/elts/1', 'target/elts/2'],  # ignored at this level
...      'SUFFIX': ['i', 'j']
... })
("for:i", Span(start=1, end=2, path="1-"))
("for:j", Span(start=1, end=2, path="1-"))
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def get_bindings(
    label_prefix: LabelName, captures: Dict[str, List[str]]
) -> Iterator[Tuple[LabelName, Span]]:
    if captures.get("SUFFIX"):
        # There is a "SUFFIX" key and its value is not `[]`.
        if len(captures["POS"]) == len(captures["SUFFIX"]):
            # When there are as many matched positions as suffixes, associate them in parallel.
            for (suffix, pos) in zip(captures["SUFFIX"], captures["POS"]):
                yield (LabelName(f"{label_prefix}:{suffix}"), pos_to_span([pos]))
            # When there are more or less matched positions than suffixes, interpret the positions
            # as defining a unique span, and associate it with each suffix.
            span = pos_to_span(captures["POS"])
            for suffix in captures["SUFFIX"]:
                yield (LabelName(f"{label_prefix}:{suffix}"), span)
        # There is no "SUFFIX" key or its value is `[]`.
        yield (label_prefix, pos_to_span(captures["POS"]))


class ProgramParser
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class ProgramParser:
    def __init__(self, spec_path: Path = DEFAULT_SPEC_PATH) -> None:
        self.spec_path = spec_path
        text = self.spec_path.read_text()
        self.features: Dict[LabelName, regex.Pattern] = {}
        self.queries: Dict[LabelName, Query] = {}
        self.times: Dict[LabelName, float] = {LabelName("TOTAL"): 0.0}
        for (label_name, language, specification) in find_all_features(text):
            if label_name in self.features:  # pragma: no cover
                print_fail(f"Duplicated name '{label_name}'!")
            self.times[label_name] = 0.0
            if language == "re":
                self.features[label_name] = regex.compile(f"(?mx){specification}").finditer
            elif language == "sql":
                self.queries[label_name] = Query(specification)
            elif specification.strip() != "":  # pragma: no cover
                print_fail(f"Unknow language '{language}' for '{label_name}'!")
        self.derived_labels_database = DerivedLabelsDatabase()

    def __call__(self, program: Program, yield_failed_matches: bool = False) -> Labels:
        # If the program can be parsed and is nonempty, flatten its AST.
            tree = ast.parse(program.source)
        except (SyntaxError, ValueError) as exception:
            return [
                    [Span(1, program.source.count("\n") + 1)],
        # The next comment prevents a (wrong?) mypy error: "AST" has no attribute "body"
        if not tree.body:  # type: ignore
            return [Label(LabelName("ast_construction:EmptyProgramError"), [Span(0, 0)])]
        self.flat_ast = flatten_ast(tree)

        # Search the flat AST for every feature which is specified by a regular expression.
        labels: LabelsSpans = defaultdict(list)
        for (label_prefix, finditer) in self.features.items():
            start = perf_counter()
            failed_match = True
            for match in finditer(self.flat_ast, overlapped=True):
                failed_match = False
                for (label_name, span) in get_bindings(label_prefix, match.capturesdict()):
                    try:  # Unless this binding (without its path) is scheduled for deletion...
                        program.deletion[label_name].remove(Span(span.start, span.end))  # (no path)
                    except (KeyError, ValueError):  # ... actually bind the name with the span.
            elapsed = perf_counter() - start
            self.times[label_prefix] += elapsed
            self.times[LabelName("TOTAL")] += elapsed
            if yield_failed_matches and failed_match:
                labels[label_prefix] = []

        # Update the matching features with those featured for addition.
        for (label_name, spans) in program.addition.items():

        # Now, use the features found so far to derive all those specified by an SQL query.
        result = [Label(*item) for item in labels.items()]
        self.derived_labels_database.create(result)  # The search is seeded with the know features.
        for (label_name, query) in self.queries.items():
            # Try to derive, from the DB current state, some label names matching `label_name`.
            start = perf_counter()
            derived_labels =
            elapsed = perf_counter() - start
            self.times[label_name] += elapsed
            self.times[LabelName("TOTAL")] += elapsed
            # Suppress the labels scheduled for deletion
            labels.clear()  # reuse the dictionary associating each label name to its spans
            for label in derived_labels:
                for span in label.spans:
                    try:  # Unless this binding (without its path) is scheduled for deletion...
                        program.deletion[].remove(Span(span.start, span.end))
                    except (KeyError, ValueError):  # ... actually bind the name with the span.
            derived_labels = [Label(*item) for item in labels.items()]
            if derived_labels:
                # Bingo! update the DB state and the result with the new labels.
            elif yield_failed_matches:
                result.append(Label(label_name, []))
        # Empty the DB to make it ready for the next program.

        return sorted(result)

    def print_performances(self):  # pragma: no cover
        result = sorted(self.times.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)
        print("Elapsed times by features (in seconds)")
        for (name, seconds) in result:
            print(f"{seconds:8.4f}\t {name}")


def __init__(self,
spec_path: pathlib.Path = PosixPath('./paroxython/resources/')
) ‑> NoneType

Collect the features specified at spec_path.


spec_path : Path, optional
The path of the specification file. Defaults to


Fail when a given feature appears multiple times in the specification file, and when the language is not "re" or "sql", and the specification is non-empty.


Some features are searched for with a regular expression, some with an SQL query. Distribute them in their respective dictionary. Compile the regular expressions and pre-bind the appropriate method. Create an instance of the database of derived labels.

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def __init__(self, spec_path: Path = DEFAULT_SPEC_PATH) -> None:
    self.spec_path = spec_path
    text = self.spec_path.read_text()
    self.features: Dict[LabelName, regex.Pattern] = {}
    self.queries: Dict[LabelName, Query] = {}
    self.times: Dict[LabelName, float] = {LabelName("TOTAL"): 0.0}
    for (label_name, language, specification) in find_all_features(text):
        if label_name in self.features:  # pragma: no cover
            print_fail(f"Duplicated name '{label_name}'!")
        self.times[label_name] = 0.0
        if language == "re":
            self.features[label_name] = regex.compile(f"(?mx){specification}").finditer
        elif language == "sql":
            self.queries[label_name] = Query(specification)
        elif specification.strip() != "":  # pragma: no cover
            print_fail(f"Unknow language '{language}' for '{label_name}'!")
    self.derived_labels_database = DerivedLabelsDatabase()
def __call__(self,
program: Program,
yield_failed_matches: bool = False
) ‑> List[Label]

Parse a given program and return its labels with their spans.


program : Program
A Program object, with its fields source, addition and deletion populated.
yield_failed_matches : bool, optional
If True, add to the returned labels those which have not been found in the program. Each one is associated with an empty list of spans. For testing purposes only. Defaults to False.


A sorted list of labels, associating each label name with its spans.


  1. Parse the given program. If this fails or the resulting AST is empty, return a list consisting in a single label, "ast_construction:", followed by the error name. Otherwise, flatten the AST.
  2. Search it for every feature which is specified by a regular expression. Take care to avoid adding those features which are scheduled for deletion at the same span.
  3. Update the matching features with those featured for addition.
  4. Use the features found so far to derive (directly and indirectly) all those specified by an SQL query.
  5. Return the found features.


The computation of the derived features is done in a single pass, which require them to be in a correct dependency order. This order is checked by helpers/, which is executed each time the tests are launched.

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def __call__(self, program: Program, yield_failed_matches: bool = False) -> Labels:
    # If the program can be parsed and is nonempty, flatten its AST.
        tree = ast.parse(program.source)
    except (SyntaxError, ValueError) as exception:
        return [
                [Span(1, program.source.count("\n") + 1)],
    # The next comment prevents a (wrong?) mypy error: "AST" has no attribute "body"
    if not tree.body:  # type: ignore
        return [Label(LabelName("ast_construction:EmptyProgramError"), [Span(0, 0)])]
    self.flat_ast = flatten_ast(tree)

    # Search the flat AST for every feature which is specified by a regular expression.
    labels: LabelsSpans = defaultdict(list)
    for (label_prefix, finditer) in self.features.items():
        start = perf_counter()
        failed_match = True
        for match in finditer(self.flat_ast, overlapped=True):
            failed_match = False
            for (label_name, span) in get_bindings(label_prefix, match.capturesdict()):
                try:  # Unless this binding (without its path) is scheduled for deletion...
                    program.deletion[label_name].remove(Span(span.start, span.end))  # (no path)
                except (KeyError, ValueError):  # ... actually bind the name with the span.
        elapsed = perf_counter() - start
        self.times[label_prefix] += elapsed
        self.times[LabelName("TOTAL")] += elapsed
        if yield_failed_matches and failed_match:
            labels[label_prefix] = []

    # Update the matching features with those featured for addition.
    for (label_name, spans) in program.addition.items():

    # Now, use the features found so far to derive all those specified by an SQL query.
    result = [Label(*item) for item in labels.items()]
    self.derived_labels_database.create(result)  # The search is seeded with the know features.
    for (label_name, query) in self.queries.items():
        # Try to derive, from the DB current state, some label names matching `label_name`.
        start = perf_counter()
        derived_labels =
        elapsed = perf_counter() - start
        self.times[label_name] += elapsed
        self.times[LabelName("TOTAL")] += elapsed
        # Suppress the labels scheduled for deletion
        labels.clear()  # reuse the dictionary associating each label name to its spans
        for label in derived_labels:
            for span in label.spans:
                try:  # Unless this binding (without its path) is scheduled for deletion...
                    program.deletion[].remove(Span(span.start, span.end))
                except (KeyError, ValueError):  # ... actually bind the name with the span.
        derived_labels = [Label(*item) for item in labels.items()]
        if derived_labels:
            # Bingo! update the DB state and the result with the new labels.
        elif yield_failed_matches:
            result.append(Label(label_name, []))
    # Empty the DB to make it ready for the next program.

    return sorted(result)
def print_performances(self)

Print a TSV report of elapsed times by features, sorted by decreasing time.

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def print_performances(self):  # pragma: no cover
    result = sorted(self.times.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)
    print("Elapsed times by features (in seconds)")
    for (name, seconds) in result:
        print(f"{seconds:8.4f}\t {name}")