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Module paroxython.label_programs

List all the programs of a given directory, with their field labels populated.

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from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Iterator, List, Set

import regex  # type: ignore

from .list_programs import iterate_and_print_programs, list_programs
from .parse_program import ProgramParser
from .user_types import Label, LabelName, Programs, Source

def labelled_programs(
    directory: Path,
    search_imported_program_path: Callable = regex.compile(r"import(?:_module)?:([^:]*)").search,
    print_performances: bool = False,
) -> Programs:
    programs: Programs = list_programs(directory, **kwargs)
    internal_program_paths = {p.path.replace("/", ".") for p in programs}  # path sep -> import sep
    internal_program_paths.add(".py")  # for `from . import foobar`, the module name will be ""
    parse = ProgramParser()
    print(f"Labelling {len(programs)} programs.")
    for program in iterate_and_print_programs(programs):
        program.labels[:] = parse(program)  # populate this field in place with [:]
        for (i, label) in enumerate(program.labels):
            m = search_imported_program_path(
            if m and f"{m[1]}.py" in internal_program_paths:
                tweaked_label_name =":", "_internally:", 1)
                tweaked_label_name = tweaked_label_name.replace(".", "/")  # import sep -> path sep
                program.labels[i] = Label(name=LabelName(tweaked_label_name), spans=label.spans)
    if print_performances:  # pragma: no cover
    return programs

def generate_labelled_sources(programs: Programs) -> Iterator:
    separator = "-" * 88
    for program in programs:
        yield Source(f"# {separator}\n# {program.path}\n# {separator}")
        lines = program.source.splitlines()
        if lines:
            comments: List[Set[str]] = [set() for _ in lines]
            for label in program.labels:
                for span in label.spans:
                    span_length = span.end - span.start
                    span_suffix = f" (-> +{span_length})" if span_length else ""
                    comments[span.start - 1].add(f"{}{span_suffix}")
            for (i, comment) in enumerate(comments):
                if comment:
                    lines[i] += " # " + ", ".join(sorted(comment))
        yield Source("\n".join(lines + [""]))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    programs = labelled_programs(Path("docs/resources"))
    for result in generate_labelled_sources(programs):


def labelled_programs(directory: pathlib.Path,
search_imported_program_path: Callable = <built-in method search of regex>,
print_performances: bool = False,
) ‑> List[Program]

Walk a given directory, label all its programs, and return a list of them.


directory : Path
The directory to walk, containing some Python programs.
search_imported_program_path : Callable, optional
A function taking a label name and, in the case it starts with "import:" or "import_module:", returns a match object whose first group is the name of the imported program. Not to be explicitly provided.
print_performances : bool
If True, ends with a call to ProgramParser.print_performances(). Defaults to False.
May include the keyword arguments cleanup_strategy, skip_pattern, glob_pattern, transmitted to list_programs().


In addition to creating a list of programs with a populated labels field, tweak all of those which mark an importation of an “internal” module, i.e, a program belonging to this very list. For instance, a label "import:my_program" would be transformed into "import_internally:my_program", while "import:itertools" would be left untouched.

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def labelled_programs(
    directory: Path,
    search_imported_program_path: Callable = regex.compile(r"import(?:_module)?:([^:]*)").search,
    print_performances: bool = False,
) -> Programs:
    programs: Programs = list_programs(directory, **kwargs)
    internal_program_paths = {p.path.replace("/", ".") for p in programs}  # path sep -> import sep
    internal_program_paths.add(".py")  # for `from . import foobar`, the module name will be ""
    parse = ProgramParser()
    print(f"Labelling {len(programs)} programs.")
    for program in iterate_and_print_programs(programs):
        program.labels[:] = parse(program)  # populate this field in place with [:]
        for (i, label) in enumerate(program.labels):
            m = search_imported_program_path(
            if m and f"{m[1]}.py" in internal_program_paths:
                tweaked_label_name =":", "_internally:", 1)
                tweaked_label_name = tweaked_label_name.replace(".", "/")  # import sep -> path sep
                program.labels[i] = Label(name=LabelName(tweaked_label_name), spans=label.spans)
    if print_performances:  # pragma: no cover
    return programs
def generate_labelled_sources(programs: List[Program]) ‑> Iterator

For each program, yield its source with its labels in comment.


programs : Programs
A list of labelled programs.


The lines of the given programs, with their labels in comment.


This function is for testing purposes only. See an example of the result in

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def generate_labelled_sources(programs: Programs) -> Iterator:
    separator = "-" * 88
    for program in programs:
        yield Source(f"# {separator}\n# {program.path}\n# {separator}")
        lines = program.source.splitlines()
        if lines:
            comments: List[Set[str]] = [set() for _ in lines]
            for label in program.labels:
                for span in label.spans:
                    span_length = span.end - span.start
                    span_suffix = f" (-> +{span_length})" if span_length else ""
                    comments[span.start - 1].add(f"{}{span_suffix}")
            for (i, comment) in enumerate(comments):
                if comment:
                    lines[i] += " # " + ", ".join(sorted(comment))
        yield Source("\n".join(lines + [""]))