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Module paroxython.goodies

A grab bag of various generic functions and factories.

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import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from math import log2
from textwrap import wrap
from typing import Callable, Dict, Tuple, Union
from unicodedata import normalize

import regex  # type: ignore

from .user_types import Span

# ANSI color codes
OK = "\033[92m"
WARNING = "\033[1m\033[38;5;166m"
FAIL = "\033[1m\033[91m"
RESET = "\033[0m"

def title_to_slug_factory() -> Callable:
    slug_counts: Dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int)
    cache: Dict[str, str] = {}

    def title_to_slug(title, deduplicate=False):
        title = title.strip()
        if title not in cache:
            slug = normalize("NFD", title.lower()).encode("ASCII", "ignore").decode("ASCII")
            slug = slug.replace(" ", "-")
            slug = regex.sub(r"[^\w-]", "", slug)
            cache[title] = slug
        if deduplicate:
            slug = cache[title]
            slug_counts[slug] += 1
            slug = f"{slug}-{slug_counts[slug] - 1}"
            slug_counts[slug] += 1
            slug = slug.rstrip("-0")
            return slug
            return cache[title]

    return title_to_slug

def add_line_numbers(source: str) -> str:
    if not source:
        return ""
    return "\n".join(f"{n: <4}{line}" for (n, line) in enumerate(source.split("\n"), 1))

def enumeration_to_txt_factory(
    width: int = 20,
    default_string: str = "",
    sep: str = "<br>",
    template: str = "<details><summary>{summary}</summary>{details}</details>",
    initial_indent: int = 3,  # take into account the details marker
) -> Callable[[str], str]:
    def enumeration_to_txt(s: str) -> str:
        if not s:
            return default_string
        if len(s) <= width:
            return s
        lines = wrap(s, width, initial_indent=" " * initial_indent)
        summary = lines[0][initial_indent:]
        details = sep.join(lines[1:])
        return template.format(summary=summary, details=details)

    return enumeration_to_txt

def cost_bucket(cost: int) -> str:
    if cost == 0:
        return "0"
    if cost < 0.25:
        return "in ]0, 0.25["
    if cost < 0.5:
        return "in [0.25, 0.5["
    if cost < 1:
        return "in [0.5, 1["
    upper = 2 ** int(log2(cost))
    lower = 2 ** int(log2(cost) + 1)
    return f"in [{upper}, {lower}["

def couple_to_string(couple: Union[Span, Tuple[int, int]]) -> str:
    return f"{couple[0]}" + ("" if couple[0] == couple[1] else f"-{couple[1]}")

def print_success(message: str):

def print_warning(message: str):
    print(f"{WARNING}Warning: {message}{RESET}", file=sys.stderr)

def print_fail(message: str):
    print(f"{FAIL}Error: {message}{RESET}", file=sys.stderr)
    raise ValueError(message)

def print_exit(message: str):
    sys.exit(f"{FAIL}Error: {message}{RESET}")


def title_to_slug_factory() ‑> Callable

Return a function mapping a string to the appropriate slug, optionally disambiguated.


Callable[[str, Optional[bool]]]
A function taking a string and an optional boolean deduplicate (default: False). If True, when two or more strings produce the same slug, a numeric suffix is added to the second one ("-1"), the third one ("-2"), and so on.



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def title_to_slug_factory() -> Callable:
    slug_counts: Dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int)
    cache: Dict[str, str] = {}

    def title_to_slug(title, deduplicate=False):
        title = title.strip()
        if title not in cache:
            slug = normalize("NFD", title.lower()).encode("ASCII", "ignore").decode("ASCII")
            slug = slug.replace(" ", "-")
            slug = regex.sub(r"[^\w-]", "", slug)
            cache[title] = slug
        if deduplicate:
            slug = cache[title]
            slug_counts[slug] += 1
            slug = f"{slug}-{slug_counts[slug] - 1}"
            slug_counts[slug] += 1
            slug = slug.rstrip("-0")
            return slug
            return cache[title]

    return title_to_slug
def add_line_numbers(source: str) ‑> str

Return a numbered version of the given source code. Result readable up to 999 lines.

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def add_line_numbers(source: str) -> str:
    if not source:
        return ""
    return "\n".join(f"{n: <4}{line}" for (n, line) in enumerate(source.split("\n"), 1))
def enumeration_to_txt_factory(width: int = 20,
default_string: str = '',
sep: str = '<br>',
template: str = '<details><summary>{summary}</summary>{details}</details>',
initial_indent: int = 3
) ‑> Callable[[str], str]

Return a function formatting an enumeration on a given column width.

This function is used by recommend_programs.get_markdown() to limit the width of the last column of the Markdown tables, as in the following example:

Cost Taxon Location
0.9375 type/number/integer/literal
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 3, 3, 3

The enumeration, given as a string, is wrapped onto one or several lines of at most width characters. The first line and the remaining ones are formatted separately according to the given template.


width : int, optional
Column width. Defaults to 20.
default_string : str, optional
String to return when the enumeration is empty. Defaults to "".
sep : str, optional
Separator between wrapped lines. Defaults to "<br>".
template : str, optional
A formatting string on the first line (referred as summary) and the remaining ones (referred as details). Defaults to "<details><summary>{summary}</summary>{details}</details>".
initial_indent : str, optional
Approximate space-width of the detail marker (e.g., "▶︎ "). Defaults to 3.


Callable[[str], str]
Function returning a wrapped version of a given string.


>>> enumeration_to_txt = enumeration_to_txt_factory(7)  # create the function
>>> enumeration_to_txt("1, 2, 3, 4, 5-6, 7, 8, 9")      # use it
"<details><summary>1,</summary>2, 3,<br>4, 5-6,<br>7, 8, 9</details>"
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def enumeration_to_txt_factory(
    width: int = 20,
    default_string: str = "",
    sep: str = "<br>",
    template: str = "<details><summary>{summary}</summary>{details}</details>",
    initial_indent: int = 3,  # take into account the details marker
) -> Callable[[str], str]:
    def enumeration_to_txt(s: str) -> str:
        if not s:
            return default_string
        if len(s) <= width:
            return s
        lines = wrap(s, width, initial_indent=" " * initial_indent)
        summary = lines[0][initial_indent:]
        details = sep.join(lines[1:])
        return template.format(summary=summary, details=details)

    return enumeration_to_txt
def cost_bucket(cost: int) ‑> str

Return an interval including a given positive number.

The intervals are predefined as [0, 0], ]0, 0.25[, [2^{i-2}, 2^{i-1}[, \dots for all natural numbers i. The result is returned as a string ready to be included in the recommendation report.


>>> cost_bucket(0)
>>> cost_bucket(0.75)
"in [0.5, 1["
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def cost_bucket(cost: int) -> str:
    if cost == 0:
        return "0"
    if cost < 0.25:
        return "in ]0, 0.25["
    if cost < 0.5:
        return "in [0.25, 0.5["
    if cost < 1:
        return "in [0.5, 1["
    upper = 2 ** int(log2(cost))
    lower = 2 ** int(log2(cost) + 1)
    return f"in [{upper}, {lower}["
def couple_to_string(couple: Union[Span, Tuple[int, int]]
) ‑> str

Return a deduplicated string representation of the given couple or span.


>>> couple_to_string((12, 15))
>>> couple_to_string((12, 12))
>>> couple_to_string(Span(12, 15))
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def couple_to_string(couple: Union[Span, Tuple[int, int]]) -> str:
    return f"{couple[0]}" + ("" if couple[0] == couple[1] else f"-{couple[1]}")
def print_success(message: str)

Print the given message of success.

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def print_success(message: str):
def print_warning(message: str)

Print the given message on sys.stderr.

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def print_warning(message: str):
    print(f"{WARNING}Warning: {message}{RESET}", file=sys.stderr)
def print_fail(message: str)

Print the given message on sys.stderr and raise a ValueError.

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def print_fail(message: str):
    print(f"{FAIL}Error: {message}{RESET}", file=sys.stderr)
    raise ValueError(message)
def print_exit(message: str)

Print the given message on sys.stderr and exit.

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def print_exit(message: str):
    sys.exit(f"{FAIL}Error: {message}{RESET}")